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This is the third time I've driven 40 miles to see if the Portal is finally working. With Google, I can access the pink page which has a button "Visit Sites" but the next time, the button is missing. I tried Edge and it seems to work better.
There are two icons on the desktop for Google Chrome. Sometimes, both just open in a Google Chrome site instead of FHC FS.
Very frustrating.
I'm far from a tech expert, but have you tried resetting your FamilySearch Cookies? This does sometimes help.
It is not a cure all but it is worth a try.
When you are asked to reset your cookies just click yes. It does help to do this weekly, especially it you use FamilySearch a lot.
Only Chrome is currently supported at this point. You'll need to use one of the center's computers with this Chrome extension installed:
With that, you should have the Visit Sites button that allows you to access the links to the premium content.
The extension mentioned above by @Gregg K Gibson has to be installed by the FHC Director of that center. There are some other things that the Director needs to do to make the Portal "Live". It probably would be a good idea to contact the director of the FHC and find out when those things have been completed so the portal is fully functional at your local Family History Center.
Thank you for your patience. The updated portal has just been recently released and so we are all learning and there are some things that have to be done at each FHC to make it all work.
Here is the link to the instructions to install and pin the link to the Chrome browser.