Virginia—Marriage Records, 1853–1935 [M3WK-3T9]
There are two issued w/this batch for Russell County, Virginia. First one it has already been entered on FamilySearch but the marriage location is wrong. It says Russell, Greer, Oklahoma, United States. It should say: Russell County, Virginia. The next issued - there are approx. three entries that are not correct. #35 - Carson Hick's parents are listed as Robert & Betty Scarberry. The correct name is George Cowan Hicks and Betty Scarberry. #36 - Coly Hick's parents are listed as Robert and Josie Skeens. Correct name is Robert Hick and Josie Skeens. Same issue with Coly's wife, Rosa Hawkins. It should be Charlie Hawkins and Dora Hensley but it says Charlie Hensley. I put the correct names on them but if they go to be reviewed, it will be "corrected" to the wrong names. How do I get this approved correctly?
Best Answer
When we index and review, we are making a transcription of exactly what is on the document. The researcher who finds the image can make their own assessments about its correctness. We don't use previously indexed records, outside sources, or our own research to make "corrections" to documents.
You can't use Find A Grave and index the Husband's Parent #1 Given Name as:
"George Cowan* FindAGrave & Death Notice"
Or Robert Skeen's surname as "Hicks* Correct Name"
The names must be indexed as Robert Scarberry on entry 35 and Robert Skeens and Charlie Hensley on entry 36. We Type What We See when we are indexing. We don't expand abbreviations or correct misspellings of names, we don't use outside resources, and we don't make assumptions about what the original scribe meant on any fields. For example, who is to say that Messrs. Scarberry, Skeens, and Hensley aren't step fathers? That is up to the researchers who find the images.
Are you reviewing this batch? If you are, correct the issues. I am able to view the batch so it is still being indexed or reviewed.
Once it gets submitted for final check it will be published and the only way to fix it is to edit the record or make a note on the source to fix it.
Batches are reviewed twice if there are errors, once that is done it is submitted to be published.
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If the records you are referring to as being inaccurate are already published to the Family Tree that does not mean that they might not be indexing them again for various reasons, possibly a better digital copy, higher accuracy and probably a dozen other possible reasons. We would index the batch as scable2001 has instructed and not worry about any other indexing project from the past.
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I was indexing, not reviewing. I looked them up and George Cowan Hicks L2HY-WQ9 was married to Betty Scarberry 9JQ7-CMY. Betty signed his death certificate in Jul 1947 so not a stepfather. Also Betty's maiden name was Scarberry.
I know that it can't be indexed that way but it seems wrong to put a name that is not correct and will cause confusion. My intent was not to leave additional info as part of the name. I just put it so I would know what to write on here and for the people answering to find the right record to look at. I check often w/the old record that was done for a comparison. Especially if it hard to read the name. I put them back w/the incorrect names. A record for Robert Scarberry will be created when that person does not exist.
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I was indexing, not reviewing. I looked them up and George Cowan Hicks L2HY-WQ9 was married to Betty Scarberry 9JQ7-CMY. Betty signed his death certificate in Jul 1947 so not a stepfather. Also Betty's maiden name was Scarberry.
I know that it can't be indexed that way but it seems wrong to put a name that is not correct and will cause confusion. My intent was not to leave additional info as part of the name. I just put it so I would know what to write on here and for the people answering to find the right record to look at. I check often w/the old record that was done for a comparison. Especially if it hard to read the name. I put them back w/the incorrect names. A record for Robert Scarberry will be created when that person does not exist.
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This is late in the game, we need to look at the batch you are reviewing to answer your question properly.
We need to see it the batch no. is XXXX-XXX -
We are not suppose to assume we know what you are looking at.
We index what we see if the indexer didn't do that - please correct it.
We don't expand.
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This message is from August 18th and I was able to look at the batch. It is now October 25th. I'm never sure how these old posts seem to pop up with new answers about sharing batches.
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I need sign in page. Can you direct me to that page.
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Hi @Rita Blanton, I'm not sure what "sign-up page" you're asking about, but I'm tagging @AndLinda, one of the indexing community moderators -- She will direct you to the proper venue --thanks Mary😎
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@Rita Blanton, I have sent you a message.