Deleting an "unkown second father"

Hello, good people.
I have no idea how I've done it, but I've accidentally created a second set of parents for a group of siblings. They are already attached to their mother and father as desired, plus they are also attached to their mother a second time, with a blank space for the "second" father.
I have no idea how to get out of this. I am afraid that if I try to delete or "remove" relationship with the duplicate mother, it will also delete their real mother, as it is exactly the same person, same profile, ID number, etc. I can't merge the two real mothers, because I get a message "this relationship already exists". Same if I try to add the real dad as the spouse or father in the duplicate relationship: "this relationship already exists".
Any bright ideas to help fix my goof and tidy up the tree? Thanks in advance.
Best Answer
Hello @ATJones
Thank you for your question in the Community. You wish to delete the children from second (single) parent, right. If the children's ID numbers are the same in both lists, you can safely delete the relationship with the single mother and each child, by removing the child, because it is a duplicate. It will not affect the record for the mother listed with her spouse. Each child will need to be removed separately. When all are removed from the second set, the extra record for the mother will disappear. We added the article link below, in case it may be useful.
We thank you for being careful in your work on Family Tree.
That worked beautifully, thank you!
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Hola , @TJones
es posible que a veces ocurra esto de duplicar información , pero no se preocupe ,ya que se puede solucionar , al haberlos le aparecerá en el lado derecho del detalle de persona posible duplicado en color rojo y al pinchar le mostrara los detalles del duplicado y los pasos a seguir para eliminar o combinar la información . A continuación le dejamos el enlace con el paso a paso , esperando le puede ayudar y así pueda corregir la información con los hermanos, el enlace en azul le ayudara, gracias por visitarnos en comunidad , esperamos haberle ayudado .
¿Cómo combino los posibles duplicados en el Árbol Familiar?
Cuando el Árbol Familiar contiene más de un registro sobre una persona, se produce un registro duplicado.
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This single parent relationship can be created during the merge process. On the 2nd screen during a merge, check the stuff being moved from the left to the right side. Sometimes you do not want new info to move, and I click undo to move the added info from the right back to the left side. If the child is listed already under the parents with the same ID number you do not want to move the child over to the right again...that creates this second single parent relationship. Someone commented how to remove it, but this knowledge may help you avoid it in the future. Hope it helps.