Review indexing batch • FamilySearch reviewer checks a completed indexing batch for accuracy and makes needed corrections.
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It looks as though there's a lot of indexing that needs to be reviewed. I remember reading something by a person in regard to who can review some years ago to the effect that no one should be reviewing except people who have been trained for it. The writer was quite strident about it so I've backed away and just indexed. However, more recently I've seen pleas for help to review so am wondering whether that's something I might be able to help with. I'm an intermediate indexer.
Thank you
Dear @BJGW
After you have indexed 1000 records you can go ahead and Review.
This is the article about it from the Help Center in FamilySearch...
We appreciate you being a reviewer and carefully checking the indexing that has already been done.
Best wishes!
Excellent! Thank you!