How to access Ancestral file information on 4 generation submission in 1982
I'm attaching a copy of a letter I received from Family Search Support July 11, 2019.
I am wanting to access the information that I submitted to verify information I had submitted. The letter indicates where I find that info but I have been to the family history center in Taber AB and have also talked to family search support and they were not able to help me find that information.
I would appreciate assistance with this so I can access my information. Thanks in advance
Gloria Dick
- @Gloria46 We are sorry to hear you were not successful in accessing that Ancestral File information. Due to the location of the film, unfortunately , to view these images you must access them at a family history center. or Access the site at a FamilySearch affiliate library..
If your assistant was not able to help you, perhaps the assistant did not know that before you post that URL You must first be signed in to Family Search. Then open a new tab in that same browser, and post that address. You can copy it from this message, or type it out on something you can take with you to your destination. Then retype it into the address bar. Once you have the the film open , where the images are , then you would use the instructions on how to get to that particular film number.
We wish you success ,