Baptism for Charles Clack
My 4x great grandfather, Charles Clack, was married to Mary Simpson in 1759 at Kencot in Oxfordshire, England, UK. He was buried in Broadwell, a neighbouring village to Kencot in 1784. Records show he lived in the same area until his death. My problem is I can't find any record of a baptism for him. I've tried using variants of the name Clack and searched all the neighbouring villages but have hit a brick wall. Thank you for your time.
Best Answers
I assume you are referring to Charles Clack LBS6-36X.
Ancestry lists a Charles Clack chr in Shilton, 2.6 ml from Kencot, in 1741 to Philip and Katherine.
Coincidentally (?) there is a record attached to Charles LBS6-36X as a father to a son Philip (MK5S-77V), chr in 1768 in Burford (5 ml from Kencot). The actual record for Philip seems to have lost the link to Charles although Mary Simpson is listed as the mother.
Whether the Shilton one is the correct Charles Clack is uncertain. Ancestry also has a burial for a Charles Clack in 1822 aged 84 in Shilton. Given that you have a burial in Broadwell, this means there were at least two Charles Clacks of similar age in that area at that time.
Incidentally there is a source attached to this record that relates to a marriage in 1877 between a Charles Clark and a Mary Simpson in Yorkshire. I would have thought that this is almost certainly wrong and should be detached.
That far back the uncertainties mount up. As more records become available, you may find more possibilities. You state that you have searched all neighbouring villages. How far have you gone?
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Thank you for your help.
I do know Charles married Mary Simpson in 1759 in Kencot. He was resident in Filkins at the time of the marriage. I can't find a record of birth for him . I've searched in all available villages around Kencot with no success. (Shilton, Kencot, Broadwell, Filkins, & Broughton Poggs. There aren't too many Charles Clack's around that time that fit the bill in this area of Oxfordshire.
The Clack that was born in 1741 was married to Ann Simms.
The only other Charles that might have fitted died in 1712.
Charles lived in Filkins throughout his married life. I suspect he was born there and that his parents were Samuel Clack and Elizabeth Simpson. They had a daughter Ann b 1736 and a son, William b 1745. That leaves a gap of 9 years where Charles might fit in.
In 1759 in Kencot there was a marriage between Samuel Clack and Elizabeth Simpson. I suspect they were close relations to Charles and Mary. Was this Samuel brother to Charles? They could be siblings of Ann & William but I wonder why their births were not in the Parish Register.
Sorry to be so long winded but there is a tangle of Clacks & Simpsons in Filkins, Shilton, Broadwell & Kencot.
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1 answer
hank you for your help.
Some records are still gathering dust in church archives.
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This could be the answer. I believe the Bishop of Oxford had something to do with this. It doesn't get me very far. I'm unable to travel to Oxford to search parish records for myself. I suppose the only real help would be for some kind soul living in Oxford to do a search for me. Thank you.
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It may also be worth checking out the Oxfordshire Family History Society. They have an excellent set of parish records transcribed. Quite a few are online but there may be others.
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I hadn't spotted the death for Charles Clack in 1882 in Shilton. That would put his birth about 1738. Now that is exciting. It comes right in the middle of Ann 1736 and Wlm 1749. That could well be my Charles and confirms what I suspected all along that he is the son of Samuel Clack and Elizabeth Simpson.
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I have the transcripts for Shilton. I checked the burial for Charles Clack 1822 in Shilton but I could only find one for 1826. That makes his birth about 1742. I think this is Charles son of Philip who married Ann Simms. Where did you find the burial date of 1822 please?
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Could someone check to see if there is a burial date of 1882 for Charles Clack in the village of Shilton, Oxfordshire please. Thank you for your time.
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I assume you mean 1822, not 1882!
I rechecked the Ancestry record I mentioned in an earlier post. This time I looked at the original image. In fact it is 1826, not 1822. There was a transcription error.
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Thank you for your time. Much Appreciated.
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I've checked the burial index for Charles Clack in Shilton for 1826. Age at death was 84 so that means he would have been born around 1742. There is a record for Charles Clack, son of Philip, born in 1742. He married Ann Simms, not Mary Simpson. I do thank you for your help, Graham.
I've searched the transcriptions for Bampton but no luck there either.