How can I find records of my great grandparents who lived in Geraardsbergen, Belgium?
Hi there
Thanks for using our FamilySearch Communities.
We would suggest joining a research group Eg: Belgium
In the group you join there are links to places where you will find records and also experienced users who will be able to help you.
If Using a PC: So after signing into FamilySearch Communities choose the research group icon which is the one on the far right. (Maroon in colour) Then choose your language, Region and Location from each of the three options.
This will narrow down the area, to Belgium
Click on Belgium you will see the option to join the group in blue on the right.
As you look down past all the links to records you will see the word New Discussion. To the right of this you will see a tiny arrow pointing down. This is a drop down and has more options including ask a question
Keep in mind when asking people to help in your research we need to have as much identifying information as possible.
Eg: Name
Birth date
Birth place:
Occupation helps
Who they married
Names of any children
Death info if possible
All the very best and we hope that you will be successful in your search.