Help Searching for Emsley Rogers 1804 - 1889
Emsley Rogers
Birth 06 MAR 1804 • North Carolina, USA --BIRTH RECORD NOT DOCUMENTED (Multiple family tree records show North Carolina, there are other odd family records that show South Carolina or Virginia as possible place of birth but no specific town / country / other provided for any birth records I've seen. The date of birth is consistent on most of those recordings but again, no documented, just generally accepted)
Death 28 OCT 1889 • Darke County, Ohio, USA -- DOCUMENTED
Marriage to Nancy Rush / Rust 31 Dec 1835 • Darke County, Ohio, USA -- DOCUMENTED
Children's births and deaths are all documented.
There are other Rogers / Rodgers in the Twin Township , Darke County, Ohio area that have similar beginnings with no documentation or proof of when or where they were born, They just seem to show up in that area at some point and are well documented after that. I've been researching this man for well over 20 years and even DNA has not helped find a connection to break down this brick wall.
Here is an article that may offer some help.