Change Ordinance Ready
The names you get from Ordinance Ready for sealing to parents or sealing to their spouses or parents have no previous ordinances done or the endowment is not done. This is contrary to the directive we get to do ordinances in order. Please change the Ordinance Ready program to where the names that are given through that program have all their ordinances done so all directives are are unified. Thank you for your attention in this matter
I came here to add this very comment. Thanks!
I do not know how your database is designed. However, it seems that a query similar to this would fix the problem.
SELECT <Sealing to Parents>
FROM <Ordinance Table>
WHERE <Baptism> = <Done>
AND <Confirmation> = <Done>
AND <Initiatory> = <Done>
AND <Endowment> = <Done>
AND <I am related somehow>
I'm sure there is a bit more to the query, yet it should be doable.
Each ordinance has prerequisites that are similar to the above pseudocode.
Since the query to select the ordinances does not do what it should, I have to go through my list one-by-one to make sure the prerequisite ordinances have been completed already. Something similar to the above would save a lot of time.
Again, I do not know the database design. However, this seems like a straight-forward fix.