Temple list
I have lots of names saved because of COVID. Since we have to print every ordinance now, it would surely help if I could print those from the "completed list" that I receive when ordinances are done. It is difficult to go to the big list because 1--just because it says "printed" or "not printed" may not be the case. 2--When printing names with different ordinances at the same time, it will mark "sealing to parents" printed even though I was printing it out for "endowment" because I would have to just click on names for just the 1 ordinance.
Also, when I'm trying to print new ordinances it won't carry the names I click on from the first page to the 2nd page of the list so if there is just 1 name on that page I want to print I have to use a whole sheet of paper instead of doing 3 to use the whole sheet.
Thanks for your help! Lynette Peterson
How do I print family ordinance cards from home?
Item Id: 2897
April 20, 2020
You can print and reprint family ordinance cards from home using FamilySearch, the Family Tree mobile app, or Family Tree Lite mobile app.
Note: Temples no longer return name cards once a specific ordinance has been performed. This means that you will need to print a card for each ordinance you wish to perform during your visit to the temple. For example, if you plan to perform preparatory ordinances and endowment for a particular ancestor during the same visit, you will need two separate family ordinance cards.
If you do not have a printer at home, you can have the cards printed at the temple, a family history center, or other place where you can use a printer.
Print the cards on white paper. Use plain paper or thick paper, A4 size or letter size. Use portrait size to print more cards on 1 sheet of paper.
Steps (website)
Tip: If you're having trouble finding the names you need to reprint, sort your last names in the order of the most recent printed. Click the black triangle to the right of Reserved Date, then select Modified Date.
When you are logged in to FamilySearch, click Temple.
To the left of each name whose card you want to print, check the box. While you can select up to 45 last names at one time, choose a number that you can accomplish in a reasonable amount of time.
At the top of your list, click the blue Print button. Click Print Family Ordinance Cards.
If applicable, remove the check mark line by line for each prescription that you do not want to include on the family ordinance card, since the default setting is to select all prescriptions at the same time.
(Optional) Click Show Contact Information on Family Ordinance Cards to turn the option on or off. This option is enabled by default until you remove it. After you delete it, it will remain deleted unless you restore it.
Click on Continue.
Read the instructions, then click Continue. The system creates your family ordinance cards and displays them as a PDF file in another tab of your browser. If the PDF file does not appear, follow these steps:
Make sure your pop-up blocker allows them.
Make sure Adobe Reader is installed on your computer.
Print family ordinance cards using your browser's "print" function. On most browsers, click File, then click Print.
Make sure the cards have been printed correctly. If they don't print, check for the following issues:
Is the printer on?
Is there paper in the printer?
Are the printer cables securely attached?
Is there jammed paper or is the printer malfunctioning?
A message asks you to confirm that the cards have been printed.
If they were printed, click Yes. If it doesn't and you don't want to try again, click No. If you try again and still cannot print your application from your computer, log off and try again later.If your printer does not work, you can log on to another computer with a different printer at you, a friend's house, or the local family history center
Steps (mobile app)
Note: If you do not want your cards to contain contact information, open the application settings and turn off the Show contact details on family ordinance cards setting.
In the Family Tree mobile application, view your list of last names:
Android: in the upper left corner, tap the 3 lines and tap Reserved prescriptions.
Apple iOS: Tap Temple.
Tap the circle next to each of the names you want to print.
At the bottom of the screen, tap Take-to-Temple Names.
On the right side of all the prescriptions you want to print, tap the circle.
Tap Create family ordinance cards. A QR code and number are displayed.
Choose how to print the cards:
In the temple office, staff can scan the QR code and print the cards for you.
Note the number under the QR code. Take this number to the temple office, where staff can print the cards for you.
If you can print from your device, tap View Cards and send them to a printer.
Steps (Family Tree Lite)
when you have