Where can I find records for Bedford?
In probate records of Loudoun County, Virginia (1803-1806), an estate adminintrator, is identified as Joseph West of Bedford. The same Joseph West dies in Beaver County, Pennsylvania. Neither the Bedford County in Virginia, nor the one in Pennsylvania seem to be in close proximity. There is also an old village of Bedford. Does anyone know where I can locate records of this village in Pennsylvania.
@Marilyn E. Pope You might find helpful resources in the FamilySearch Catalog
In the Place search box, enter Bedford, Pennsylvania. As you type, you'll see possible matches. There is a Bedford County, PA; the town or city of Bedford in Bedford County; Bedford Township in Bedford County, and New Bedford in Lawrence County.
Click any of those places and click Search to see what records for that place are on FamilySearch. Here are some Help Center articles that can help you use the Catalog if it is new to you: