Non Contributing Indexers
hola, le informamos que en su pagina de FamilySearch en la barra se encuentra indexación en línea debe pinchar allí le abrirá la pestaña , vaya a grupos y ahí escoge el barrio del cual desea la información del reporte de Indexación , pincha Reportes coloca el rango la fecha y genera el informe , lo descarga ,así podrá visualizar los indexadores y por ende sabrá quien no esta indexando por su llamamiento podrá revisar todos los barrios , en el enlace azul mas abajo le dejamos los paso a paso ,**** y lo podrá ver en línea, esperamos haberle ayudado .
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I believe that this article is outdated. I don't see any options for non-contributors to be listed on my stake report, though we had this feature in the past.
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I am just another 'lowly' User/Patron ...
[ And, I happen to be a member of the Church ... ]
Short Answer: As far as I am aware, 'No'; as, such was "Removed" from ALL "Reports".
The reason, such was "Removed" from "Reports", was that that DATA (ie. Information) on such, WAS, in fact, being USED, by SOME Priesthood Leaders, to "Name and Same".
Hence, WHY that DATA (ie. Information) on such, was "Removed" from ALL "Reports".
As far as I was aware ... NEVER to be reinstituted ...
I know that this DOES NOT help; but, I hope that this gives you some perspective.