Merge duplicate records in Family Tree • FamilySearch what to do when a person has more than one entry in Family Tree.
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The family is Jesse Ambros Lott Male Jesse Ambros Lott 1869–1959 LCZK-J36 and Hattie Marie Thomas 1873–1935 LCZK-JMP. Their daughter, Vera Isis Lott
1896–1982 • 9XNM-L43 and Vera Isis Lott 1896–1982 G3ND-HHG is listed twice. They are the same person. The first Vera just has her first husband William Orval Noffsinger MW7B-YTQ . The second has both husbands; William Orval Noffsinger MW7B-YTQ and James Clarence Jones KN12-VW5. Somehow they need to be combined. The first Vera has the most complete family history with children and parents and ancestors. The second adds Clarence Jones. He was her husband at the time of her death.
Please advise and thank you so much. Janet Yvonne Arney Thiessen
Thank you so very much. I made the merge and it is perfect. God Bless. Janet
Hi Janet.
Make Vera Isis Lott 18 June 1896 – 23 May 1982 • 9XNM-L43 your main person by bringing her up in Family Tree. On her Person page, under the Research Help section, you will see the possible duplicate, Vera Isis Lott • G3ND-HHG
Click on the Possible Duplicate to merge the 2 records making sure that 9XNM-L43 is the one that remains when the merge is done.