
One is welcomed - thank you.
But then one is not permitted to help or comment. One's comment with suggestions awaits the pleasure of the mod - for more than a week.
Might one ask WHY?
One has said nothing untoward.
One is a member in good standing.
But one is not permitted to assist.
I am sorry if you have had a bad experience. If you asked a question it should have been answered speedily, what was the question and I can try to find and see what is happening. You can post comments on someone eases question and ask your own question.
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'Yes' ...
And, one can ALSO have one's 'Posts'/'Answers'/'Comments'/etc, UNFAIRLY be, "Deleted"; or, "Edited", by the "Moderators" [ ie. 'FamilySearch' "Support" (Personnel) ], when one's 'Posts'/'Answers'/'Comments'/etc, DID NOT, in anyway "Breach" the "Code of Conduct".
I have had to take "Moderators" [ ie. 'FamilySearch' "Support" (Personnel) ] to task, for doing so.
'Thankfully', most 'see' the error of their way ... whereas, some do not
The "Community.FamilySearch" Forum was ORIGINALLY about ...
Users/Patrons, HELPING / ASSISTING, Users/Patrons ...
And, the "Community.FamilySearch" Forum, has been quite successfully operating that way for a number of YEARS now.
The "Community.FamilySearch" Forum, is NOT, the SOLE purview, of 'FamilySearch' "Support" (Personnel).
'FamilySearch' "Support" (Personnel), SHOULD really, be just 'Sitting' on the 'Side Lines'; ONLY, coming in, IF; and, WHEN, needed (or, more so, called upon).
Certainly NOT, just adding an 'Answer'/'Comment'; then, marking their (often, One and Only) 'Answer'/'Comment'; as, the/a "Accepted Answer" (ie. Now, "Best Answer"); and, then, even worse, "Closing' the matter.
Although, many of the 'Answers'/'Comments' for 'FamilySearch' "Support" (Personnel) are quite acceptable, there are also many that are not, in fact, very lacking, not even addressing the 'Question' at hand.
Most of the "Moderators" [ ie. 'FamilySearch' "Support" (Personnel) ] seem to have not even used the "Community.FamilySearch" Forum; or, worse, not even known of the the "Community.FamilySearch" Forum; BEFORE, being THRUST into the Forum. Certainly, no 'time' to 'climatise', that is a failing on the part of 'FamilySearch'.
Most of the "Moderators" [ ie. 'FamilySearch' "Support" (Personnel) ] were/are NOT even aware that MANY who provide help/assistance in this "Community.FamilySearch" Forum, have been doing so for Years, WITHOUT the need, for 'FamilySearch' "Support" (Personnel).
And, most importantly, most of those who have been providing help/assistance in this "Community.FamilySearch" Forum for Years, know EXACTLY when, to REFFER a User/Patron, straight to 'FamilySearch' "Support"; and, do so readily.
The DEMISE of the 'FamilySearch' "Support" Case (Management) System has certainly caused the INCLUSION of 'FamilySearch' "Support" (Personnel) into the "Community.FamilySearch" Forum.
Granted, as such, there are NOW certainly matters, that can ONLY be actioned by 'FamilySearch' "Support" (Personnel) ...
No one disputes the latter ...
'FamilySearch' "Support" (Personnel) NEED to really 'climatise' themselves in the long standing working of the "Community.FamilySearch" Forum; so that, we can ALL really work together, supporting, one another.
As usual ...
Just my thoughts.
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Ostensibly, Brett's comments may seem a little harsh, but they illustrate the difficult situation many (if not most) of the moderators have had to face.
This is obviously a total change from any previous role they have undertaken, yet they are having to adapt to this "new environment" with great speed and, sadly, without the necessary, comprehensive training. The latter is borne out by the fact that their actions - in responding to, moving and closing cases - has been totally inconsistent. As has their appreciation of the "accepted answer" position, whereby some moderators realise only the original poster can truly determine this is the case, but others believe it is they (or a fellow moderator) who has the right to decide this.
There is nothing wrong with providing multiple responses here: different wording or additional links can be very useful in obtaining a better understanding of the problem at hand. However, apart from when more than one person is responding at exactly the same time, I do feel it is a waste of time that forum participants (moderators or ordinary members of Community) should post an additional response to one that is already seen to be totally satisfactory.
In my case, I rarely used the earlier version of the forum (which was directly operated by FamilySearch), preferring to respond to, and raise my own issues, at the former "GetSatisfaction" platform - for which "Ideas" was envisaged a replacement. Sadly, many of the former participants of "GetSat" - who had excellent knowledge and experience of the features of https://www.familysearch.org and Family Tree - are choosing not to visit this forum. One cannot help but wonder why, as their expertise is proving a great loss to FamilySearch users of all levels of experience.
We appreciate "Community" is still a "work in progress" project, but hope our criticisms will continue to be considered as constructive and lead to a better "working environment" for members of all categories - i.e. from straightforward "members", to moderators, and through to employees at management level.
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No, I cannot post a comment on the question I mentioned. My efforts to help the OP have been pending moderation for a week.
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@Paul W I was also active in the previous versions of the forum. And I moderate several genealogy support groups on other platforms.
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@MADonnelly, a few months ago I tried to edit a comment I had made, and it went into permanent moderation limbo -- as far as I can tell, it still hasn't shown up. I was able to make another comment on the same post, however, and that one showed right up. I'm pretty sure the problem is/was a bug, not a moderator decision, and I suspect your problem is related or similar -- the system probably hasn't even shown your comment to any moderators, or at any rate, I doubt a human has seen it.
Have you tried commenting/answering the question again, pretending that the previous attempt never happened?
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Yes, @Julia Szent-Györgyi - I tried to comment multiple times because I simply couldn't believe that I was forbidden to try to assist.
The Community has been inaccessible most of the day, and I find that my comment has finally been approved.
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"forbidden to assist" ???
seems like some bug or oversite to me . . .
be careful not to assume what may not be the case