This batch when indexed has entries filled in all the way to the end. How do I delete them all easil
Image Name008728524_01537 Batch IDM34C-KDH
There are numerous fields that have been prefilled through to the end of the bath (300). I only used 79 records. Now I have to delete all the records from 80 - 300.
The person obviously new a command that would carry an entry to the rest of the records from where they started to the end. There must be a control that will remove that entry.
I would like to know those commands as I can see how they would be very useful at times.
Best Answer
You can simply remove Seattle in record 80 by backspacing and then click on that blank space and use the copy text from selected field into all matching fields (6th icon from the right) and the directory place will be gone from all the records. Then do the usual, click on the trash can, select "all blank entries", click delete and then 80 - 300 will disappear.
I'm fairly certain that you can also add a blank in the directory place, copy that forward, and the same will happen. I don't think that <blanks> interfere with the global deletion process.
1 -
Blanks do not interfere with deleting or with submitting!