Why do i need to have body text for Question?
Patrons will get the quickest and best answer to their posts - when they give a brief question - followed up by the cpntext and details of the question in the 2nd text box.
FamilySearch is a very huge system - knowing exactly where, how etc of a specific question is very important.
In the vast majority of cases - we need more than just the 100 bytes that are allowed for the title of the question - to really explain the context of the question.
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Im not sure its a design flaw - I think it was intentional to force people to put more details into the body
the 100 byte question is meant to be a "title/descriptor/header"-
People should be able to sumarize their question in 100 bytes or less - which then is used as the header of the post - the other necessary details are in the body.
BOTH are needed.
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I guess the design flaw is that the second box doesnt have a label on it
such as "Details" etc.
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Your first paragraph goes without saying. Your second is inaccurate. Patrons are not trained to ask questions that can be answered with no additional information. Almost no one is. Some exchanges of messages is just fine.
Surely is a way to say something without having found some basis for it.
Your 2nd consecutive post offers a thought on a reason. My question asked for a definitive answer, given with the approval of some FamilySearch authority.
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I agree - patrons should not need to be specifically trained - which is why the screen should probably have some indication as to details around the details/context of the question being needed to be entered into the second box.
In short - the more details you can provide in your initial post - the quicker you will get a corresponding answer.