Please make Notifications less capricious
Even though the Email Notifications preference says "Ancestors", the notifications received are for relatives: cousins and ancestor niblings. (Despite having an extensive tree, notifications to DIRECT ancestors have been vanishingly rare.)
Worse, NEW notifications are sent repeatedly throughout the year on the SAME small number of relatives for the same OLD updates.
Someone needs to work on the algorithms & filters for determining the sending of notifications. They must have some bad selection logic & crumbly cookies.
Option in Notifications preference:
"Discoveries about My Ancestors
Receive personalized emails about your ancestors."
I have a similar gripe. I would like to receive notifications for ONLY two situations (besides when someone has messaged me).
1) I want to know when a change has been made to a person I am watching.
2) I want to know when a record turns up that may relate to a relative--but ONLY when that record is NOT already attached to my relative.
That's it. No birthdays, no tombstones, no anniversaries, no timelines. I already know those things; in fact, most likely I am the person who entered the data.
Please stop wasting my time checking things out!
Thank you.