Poland Roman Catholic Church books index 1742-1964
@shepk Hello,
We found the Ancestry record for Franciszek Cyprian Wiciejewski with the death record for his wife: Teofila Wiciejewska. [Teofila Drobik] who died, 3 April 1939 at age 61 in Lublin, Św. Jan, Lublin, Poland. Ancestry didn't have an image connected to this record, but the index includes the names of her father: Józef Drobik and mother: Karolina Roman and her spouse: Franciszek cyprian Wiciejewski, Since this is an index, there may be no additional information. However, now that you have a time period and a place to search, you can use that information in your research.
There are numerous ways to find records to search. Click on the Search link at the top of the page on Familysearch.org and in the dropdown menu you can click on Records, Images, Catalog or Research Wiki. There are Help Center articles that explain different ways to search these records. I am including some of the links.
The first link to the Research Wiki is a great place to start. After you click Search, click Research Wiki and put, "Poland Genealogy" in the search bar. On the resulting page you can click on the jurisdiction of Lublin to find detailed information about records in that area.
Good luck in your searching.
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