US City & Business Directories
I have reviewed thousands of Names. I understand if a reviewer makes over 20% changes, that batch must be re-reviewed.
I find most indexers do not index the Advertisements, especially in the right order. Most of them are not indexing the employers of an indivigual person.
I dont know how to get people to read the instructions, but if they dont we are having to index for them and then re-review the batch.
If you don't tell a person they are making a mistake, you cant expect improvement.
Hi Royce. I agree with you that without corrective feedback from Reviewer to Indexer it is difficult or very slow for Indexers to improve. They will likely continue making the same mistake repeatedly, many times triggering multiple reviews. I would like to have (and have suggested) an opt-in (on the part of both Indexers and Reviewers) system for giving such feedback. Many Indexers and Reviewers have been pleading for a feedback mechanism since Web Indexing began. It is a controversial issue because when we did have a very detailed feedback system under the old Desktop Indexing Program, poor Reviewers upset good Indexers with their bad incorrect “corrections” and that spoiled it for everyone, causing FS not to give us such a mechanism in the Web Indexing Program. That is why I have proposed an “opt-in” procedure for both sides of the feedback loop, perhaps with feedback going both ways. So, only folks who are willing to tolerate the potential shortcomings can participate. I do believe that over time, such a system would improve indexing AND reviewing
Currently the only circumstances under which to give such feedback is when the errors are so bad and/or so many that the Reviewer concludes that the batch needs Reindexing. With a batch open, go to the Help drop-down and choose the Labs option (for experimental indexing features) . You will see a “Reindex with Reasons” feature that you can make “active.” Click to make it active, and fo back to your batch and refresh it (curvy arrow or F5). Now when you choose Batch>Reindex, perhaps even though you normally might be inclined to make cprhe changes yourself, you will see a new form to fill in that will give to the original Indexer (via a FS Support person) the reasons you are returning his or her batch for Reindexing. The form looks like this. There are some “canned” options, but you can also give your own explanation under “Other.” Give it a try next time you encounter an appropriately bad enough batch. Good luck.