Completed ordinance totals
when ordinances are completed, the total comes up on how many completed ordinances have been done. on july 16 the total was 3,000. the next day after notifications from the Temple ordinances had been completed but the completed ordinance numbers did not increase and just stayed at 3000. i called today and the sister told me that the number will be at the 3000 cap. is there anyway that this cap can be removed so that all completed ordinances will be shown. instead of just showing 3000 i like to know exactly the total numbers of completed ordinances. how can i find this number if the cap is at 3000. can it be raised? thanks.
diana johnson
I was using the completed Temple ordinance list to keep track of how many ordinances I completed. I thought it would keep 2 years worth. I had completed 3,000 ordinances in 6 months and then found that it was really 2 years or 3000 ordinances.
I would like that list to be increased or at least to have a running total available so I could keep track of my goals. If you can't increase the list could you allow a purge feature to purge the oldest 1000 so I could continue to track my goals.
Brian Erickson
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I also would like the completed list to show 2 years worth and not just limit at 3,000. My shared list has the capacity for more than 3,000, thankfully. It would be great for the completed list to show this as well.
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I am experiencing the same concern. In 10 months we have completed appx 3300 ordinances but I just noticed it stopped at 3000. I questioned this at one time but read on your "Completed" page that ordinances are kept there for 2 years.
Had I known it was really NOT 2 years but 3000 entries I would have downloaded a spreadsheet of all ordinances prior to your deleting them.
I agree with dianajohnson above that the limit should be lifted. Storage is not a cost issue. And if we wanted to purchase more storage let us have that option.
BUT you really should put on the COMPLETED page the statement "Records kept for 2 years or 3000 ordinances, whichever comes first".
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Even if you only keep the names list for 2 years, you could still allow the counter to show the total ordinances completed. This really helps to see one's progress!! PLEASE consider how to allow the counter to continue, even if the names older than 2 years are not visible.
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When we are logged in to our account, click on the Temple tab, and are on My Reservations, on the left hand side, there is the sidebar with our reservation numbers. My request is that the Completed link have the max number of 3000 edited. I think we should be able to see all the ordinances that have been done, and not be limited to a cap of 3000. We are not limited to see how many we have Shared with Temple, so likewise, we should not be limited to see how many have been Completed. Please and Thank You!
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Hello, I realized that in the temple tab on the ordinances performed the number is limited to 3000. After that the number does not increase. Is possible to unblock this limit.
By Marcel Blais
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Your completed ordinances list shows up to the most recent 3,000 items of temple work completed in the last 25 months.
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I am doing Ukrainian ordinances while the Kiev Temple is on a limited use. I have over 3000 and would like to be able to keep a running total as it is a very help instant check to make sure that all the ordinances I have completed have been recorded and verified without going through each name. The names appear in Cyrillic and so it takes a little more time for me to check. I really do not want to be limited to 3000 and have names drop off to keep my total at 3000.
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The Completed list has a Download List button - which allows you to save a copy in spreadsheet format:
You can download the list near the 3000 limit and then periodically. That should keep the list and saved file(s) able to be merged - which means you could guestimate when near 6000, 9000, etc. were completed.
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I have shared 7,000+ names withe the temple, but only 3,000 have been completed. As I requested and shared names, the completions kept up with my work, but then stopped at 3000. Is a limit in place here? If so, why? and what happens to the remaining 4000 names?
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Hi Dan - Welcome to FamilySearch Community and asking your question about completed ordinances. We assume you are talking about your completed ordinances list. Your completed ordinances list shows up to the most recent 3,000 items of temple work completed in the last 25 months. As more ordinances are completed, the older ones drop off the list. Your remaining ordinances are still in line to be completed. If you want, you can print your completed ordinances list. Here is a link to the instructions.
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Thank you for assuring me that all of the shared ordinances will be done--eventually. Part of my question, however, went to the question of why they are not being done now. Is there something like a yearly limit in effect? The number of ordinances completed (3000) as remained virtually unchanged for a few months now (out of the 7000+ shared). Thank you for quickly getting back to me, and for your consideration of this small question.
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Hi- There is no yearly limit in place and some of your ordinances are being completed now. Please go to the temple tab on family search. Here you will see your "My Reservations", "Shared", and "Completed" lists. Click on the "Completed" list to open it. Check over on the right side and you will see which ordinances were completed, the date completed and in which temple. I think you will find that you have had several of your shared ordinances completed within the past few days. As explained, the list is limited to ordinances completed within the past 2 years or 3000 names. Your list is being limited by 3000 names. As more ordinances are completed and added to the top of the list, the older ordinances completed are dropped off the bottom so the count remains at 3000. Hope this helps. Please feel free to respond if you have further questions
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Wayland, okay, now I get it--I think. I checked to the right, as suggested and saw that in fact, work is being done on my shared list, but not showing up in the stats on the left. Don't understand the "why" of it, but glad to see that it is happening anyway. I don't suppose the number on the right will ever again notify me of the actual number of completed ordinances.
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Glad you could see that ordinances are being completed. As of now, there is no way to show the total number of ordinances completed past the 2 year or 3000 limit. One thing you can do is either print the list or download it. It downloads as a csv file which is useable in a program such as excel. This way you could keep track yourself if that is important to you. The print/download option is at the top left when you open your completed list. But glad you are seeing the work is ongoing for your shared names.
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I have set a goal for the ordinances completed this year. I thought the total would be reset when the number reached the 3000 mark not be stuck on 3000. It would be most benificial if the number reset to 0 at the first of the year and there was not a cap of 3000 for the year. The excitement of seeing an accomplishment could help with my usefullness. Before this year I thought 3000 was really streching what a person could do in two years, now it's how many can I help. Please consider reseting and to make avaiable the way to pull up previous years ordinances for those who would like them. Thank you Joann Shirley
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Wayland, thanks for your suggestions. Just one more question regarding your last post: How does one go about download a list of names shared with the Temple?
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I'm talking about the cvs file. And just what is a cvs file? And how would I integrate with Exel?
Thanks again for all your help.
Fun, huh?
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Hi A csv file stands for comma separated values. This file can be opened directly in excel. CSV files are kind of a universal format which can be opened by many different programs. It you want more information you can do a google search of CSV files and you will get more that you want. Good luck.
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This is a suggestion. It would be nice/helpful/reinforcing/exciting/and so forth to be able to know exactly how many shared names have been completed. Even after I created the Excell file as directed, it still only listed the first 3000 names. That helped me understand just what you meant by saying that as new names are completed, older names are dropped from the list. I don't understand this feature. It sounds arbitraty to me, like something done for convenience sake with little concern for the end user (me).
Therefore, my suggestion is to find a way to expand the Excell spreadsheet list to contain ALL completed names. Hopefully, names deleted can still be recovered to make this suggestion feasible.
Again, thank you for your awesome help!
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Yes, the 3000 number was probably arbitrary and based on program efficiency.
One additional measure you can take going forward is to go back to your completed list once a year, once every twelve months, or once a quarter depending on how quickly your list fills and download a new CVS file. Open the new file in the spreadsheet program of your choice, cut off the names that were copied last time, then copy and paste that spreadsheet into the previous one. You may want to have a separate spread sheet for each year as you will quickly find that a spreadsheet with thousands of lines is quite hard to work with.
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I'd love to see the Ordinances Completed to not have a cap of 3,000. Our family has loved to see the work we do grow....but found when you complete past 3,000 ordinances the number stops. :( We have started using other family members' logins to see the progress of the work being done. Spending time in the temple doing work is absolutely the best...but seeing the number grow helps quantify the time.
Thank you for all the help and support Family History and temple work is the best!!!!
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The most recent ordinances completed are at the top of the list. The oldest ordinances will drop off the list. So, when your lists reaches 3000, the number may not change, but the content of the list is changing with each completed ordinance. So, your list is still correctly recording the completed ordinances.
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Just a quick reminder note:
1: My Reservations -- you can maintain 300 personal reservations - these you should be doing in a timely manner.
2: Shared With Temple -- There is not a cap on this category; share those names that are clearly sourced and have vitals filled in that are ready to go to the Temple, that you may not have time to personally take through.
3: Completed -- This list will populate with your own Temple Names AND your Shared Temple Names. The list will show names for two years OR the last 3000 Ordinances performed
As to your desire to see statistics - I used to watch shared with Temple reservation numbers. A couple of years ago FamilySearch added a section under the 'Family Tree' tab ---> 'My Contibutions' (down at the bottom).
Currently it will track A. Sources you have added, B. Memories you have added, C. People you have created (new entries in FamilySearch). Breakdown in numbers per year.
There are three tabs in the My Contributions page. Stats - as described immediately above. My Changes - a list of all changes you have made; source attached, death changed, etc. And, Private People - a list of private (Living) people you have created in FamilySearch that only your login can see.
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keep in mind you can dowload such data - and then keep the data locally for as long as you want.
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I need more than 3,000 ordinances that show we have completed them. We have currently completed 3, 300 - the last 300 are not showing in the number completed box. I distributed and have completed about 3, 300 and the last are not showing. Please expand this for all our Heiner family temple patrons to track how many ordinances have done in the temple!
We appreciate you!
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At RootsTech one of the engineers asked if we’d like the list expanded and it sounded to me like he assumed nobody would have that many so nobody would want it but that could’ve just been my own perception. At the time I was under 3000 so I didn’t raise my hand. After that I’ve been over 3000 since then. I left the same comment several months ago on here citing that he asked if anyone wanted a larger list and I did want it but nothing came from my post. You’re not alone in asking for this.
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Mod note - Several Ideas with the same request have been merged here.