Helper Resources
The following is a rational for reestablishing the Temple and Record Hint icons in Helper Resources:
I am the Temple and Family History Leader for the Lakeshore Ward, Tempe South Stake.
The Lakeshore Ward Helper Opportunities shows Easy Invitations for Discovery Experiences only. The following is the dialogue from Helper Opportunities:
"The following members in your branch or ward have a Temple Opportunity, a Record Hint, or a Discovery Experience waiting for them on Some members do not have an email associated with their FamilySearch account, or have not seen these FamilySearch messages in their personal email inbox. They may need your encouragement to sign in to FamilySearch and check for waiting Messages.
You can copy the link next to their name and send it to them by text, WhatsApp, or other method."
The icons to the right of the person’s name tell you the type of activity available for him or her through FamilySearch messaging.
Please elevate FamilySearch programing for the return of the icons for Temple Opportunity and Record Hints. It has become a valuable tool for Ward members and Temple and Family History consultants for the Lakeshore Ward.
Also, if the Icons for Temple Opportunity or Record Hint is visible, the Temple and Family History Consultants are able to provide Ward members further research and guidance.
As described above in the promotion of Easy Invitations, Ward members can contact consultants to encourage signing in to FamilySearch and check for waiting Messages.
Thank you for your time.