Uploading Videos to Family Search Memories
Every little while we get posts to the community - of people wishing that Videos could be uploaded to FS Memories.
For various reasons I have no reason to think that is going to happen soon . . .
BUT I just wanted to share - that one option - is simply to create a story item that has the URL of a video on YOUTUBE
Youtube is really a much better platform for video sharing.
here is an example of an item I created:
note when this approach is taken - the url will not be a clickable hyperlink
BUT none the less - it works - as a way to get to the video - copying and pasting the url to the browser.
Pretty clunky - - but it works just fine.
URL links to outside websites are in violation of the Upload Guidelines and policies
Content MAY NOT contain images, depictions, or descriptions of ....Links to outside websites (i.e. no URLs).
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That indeed is what it states . . .
but apparently non clickalble hyperlinks are not flagged as in violation.
such pages do NOT trigger RESTRICTION/ABUSE processes.
and as far as I can tell FamilySearch Personnel and automated checking are allowing it.
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there are thousands of memories items that have references to URLs
FamilySearch is not enforcing any restrction on urls
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and URL's are certainly allowed for FS "sources"
so I dont see the point of not allowing it on a Memories item.
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I found this FamilySearch page that states that video URL's are acceptable:
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yes this was kind of a gray area for quite a while
and Im still not sure all at FS are on the same page . . .
but yes they seem to be ok with it in general.