What is the most efficient and correct way to report BUGS in the system?
I mean it seems like this IDEAS section is one option - and thats great! 😀
BUT how do we ensure such a report actually made it to the developers or engineers (or to whoever bugs need to be reported to?) and at least some assuance that it was placed on some bug list.
I mean - I get it - that we cant expect some sort of onging report of bug status or event a guarantee when/if it will be resolved and when the fix goes live (although in a perfect world that would be nice <dreaming>)
BUT as a bare minimum - how can we simply be assured the issue was reported to the right people . . . (not just the missionaries or group leaders) - but some assurance the bug was reported to engineers?
Or is that asking too much . . . . ???
Im referring to blatant bugs and flaws - where things are very obviously just plain broke - - and not just wish lists or confusion on how something works . . . (though I realize some people dont differentiate)
I am on the phone with a missionary looking for the same answer when I saw you had posted this very important message just minutes ago. Thank you for saving me the time to post a new message.
Is there any training available on how to report Bugs? Not wish lists, or improvement suggestions, but things that are actually BROKE?
Thanks for your help.
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Im not alone . . . LOL 😊
we'll see if we get a satisfactory answer . . . but DO NOT hold your breath . . .
if the online support missionary doesnt even know - - - than what does that tell you . . .
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@Mark McLemore for his information
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Ive had the same question now for years . . .
never been able to get a straight answer. . .
even getting people to admit that a bug exists has been like pulling teeth,
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Same question for me...
I see no one has answered.
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One way to know when a bug has been fixed is that it goes away. When a major revision is in the works there is little or no point in fixing bugs in the old version. So, patience grasshopper.