Merging accounts
Best Answer
For deceased individuals you both should show the same record. Family Tree is a shared tree with the objective of having only one record for any deceased individual. For living people because of privacy issues every account must enter a record for a living person. Thus you and your sibling would not share these records. It would be anticipated that the living records would be a minor issue and collaboration on the deceased records would be a straightforward issue. The article below provides more detail about the living people in private spaces
Pour les vivants il faut que vous rendriez chacun de votre coté les noms dont les identifiants seront différents les uns des autres, mais des que vous arrivez aux personnes décédés vous aurez tous le même identifiant pour chacun de vos ancêtres mais attention si l'ancêtre que vous entrez dans votre arbre est déjà dans Familysearch ,et que tout correspond prenez l'identifiant qui vous est présenté sinon vous aurez un doublon.
Nous vous proposons d'utiliser le centre d'aide que l'on trouve : en allant dans l'aide qui se trouve dans le coin supérieur droit de l'écran, à coté de votre photo, cliquez sur le point ? et après cliquez sur centre d'aide en bas de la fenêtre .Lorsque vous cliquez dessus, de nombreux choix, vous sont offerts pour apprendre à obtenir de l'aide. Nous espérons qu'il constituera un outil précieux pour vous.
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The easiest solution is for both of you to log in on the same account. (You can keep the other as a "spare".) It's what my (twin) sister and I do -- she never bothered with an account, because on the rare occasions that she comes to FS, she just uses my login credentials.
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Hello @GretchenZimmerman2.
Sharing an account with another person is not recommended and in fact is possibly a violation of the terms of use:
And, currently there is no way to share a private space as a family group:
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Hello Gretchen,
Most of what is available on the Family Tree on FamilySearch is records documenting people who have passed away. In other words, most records are in the public space, where you and your sister can work together in adding relatives (who have died), their vital records, relationships to spouses and children and sources for them. We can also add memories such as photos, stories, and scanned images of documents. Most of what is available on FamilySearch is contained in the public space which you and your sister share.
It is wonderful that the two of you want to work together on family history. You probably keep in contact through phone and text messaging as well. You may want to go over the plans you have together and divide up some of the work that you intend to do.
Here is an article from the help center to review the purposes of FamilySearch and the Family Tree,
Most of what is available on FamilySearch is records of deceased individuals. Good luck with working together. Of course you will be interested in the living family as well, but the main focus of the family tree is on our relatives and ancestors who have passed on.