Citation of Source Records Where No Image Attached
Some sources have transcribed information documented with notation "No image is available" when the image is in FamilySearch. Suggest placing a box in the transcribed information section where (after locating the document) contributors can place "See film #XXX Image XXX of XXX".
This would also be helpful when source states This record came from this set of images "Browse the film". After locating the document, contributors can place "Image XXX of XXX" so that others do not need to hunt to find the record someone else has already found.
You can record this information in the Notes field of the source citation. (On the relevant profile's Sources tab, click the source's title, then click Edit, type the image number or other information into the "Describe the Record (Notes)" field, and click Save.)
Alternately, you can attach the image separately, using either the blue Attach to Family Tree button (if available), or the gray Source Box button, or from the other end, by copying-and-pasting the image's URL into a citation using "Add Source - Add New Source" on a profile's Sources tab.