Why some Q/A posts dont show a "Leave a Comment box????

why is it that not all Q/A posts - have a "Leave a comment" option box????
this one has one:
this one does not:
screen shows below
I dont know if "my view" as an end user - is different than the view of missionaries - fielding the answers.
NO comment box on this one
BUT YES a comment box on this one:
This has been recently "Reported" ...
I remember 'seeing' this the other day ...
7 July 2021
"Q and A" Section
Category = Temple
Home > Help Center Categories > Temple
Was the change in who can comment here intentional?
I see this morning that I can no longer post comments in this, the QandA/Help Center Temple section. I still can in all the other sections I usually look at. Have all regular community members been blocked from answering or just me? Is it the intention that this section is only for specific temple ordinance related items that only moderators can deal with? And questions about just how to do things such as work with the reservation list should be posted elsewhere?
(I checked after posting this. I can still edit it but I cannot add a new comment to the discussion)
Even after a comment is posted:
Where, the response from a "Moderator" was:
It has been confirmed that regular LDS guests cannot see another comment box under their original question when using Community Q&A with the Temple Category. We will report this to the engineers.
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The comment box has been removed from all posts in the the Q&A>Temple section for non-moderators. That is the only place I've noticed that. Have no idea if this was accidental or deliberate. I can picture that it was done on purpose because so many of the question there deal with topics only support can deal with or not really for public discussion, such as correcting ordinances.
Have you seen this in any other of the Q&A sections?
Your first example, with comment box, is under Family Search Community.
Your second example, without comment box, is under Temple.
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Thanks Brett and Gordon
yes - so far I only see this flaw under TEMPLE
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Flaw or feature? That is always the question.