Status Code 500

Sometimes when I try to include a URL with an answer to a guest's question, I get this error message and it won't attach the document. I can see no rhyme or reason to why sometimes it works and other times it doesn't. Anyone have any insights please?
note that when you include a URL in the very first column - it will try to extract data / info from the site - and its possble that process could fail.
if all you really need is JUST the url - and not for it to pull in any image or other info
then before you paste the url on to a new line - add a few spaces on the line before you paste the URL
this will disable the function that pulls in the extra data
here is an example of a url without preceding spaces
and here is an example of the same url with preceding spaces
see if using the 2nd method prevents you from getting the code 500 error - but still allows for the hyperlink to work.
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I tried your suggestions, but they all failed for me: first in the first position, then with a few spaces, and then just pasting in the body.
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can you email me the url to
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This time all three options worked, but gave the same result.
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is that the same link that was generating the 500?
here above is with using preceding blank spaces (on the same line) with the URL
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the blank spaces - must be on the same line as the URL
(note you will not see the blank spaces - once the item is posted) - but you will note that adding such spaces - prevents the inclusion of extra info with the link that you might wish to avoid.
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No that was a different article. I'm beginning to suspect that some articles are restricted.
I tried one here about ordinances and it failed. Makes little sense, as you are entitled to view it. Maybe it's an account issue for me.
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send me the url via email so I can test -
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I was able to replicate the 500 error - and I do believe is related to security access
but again - if you use the preceding spaces - you can get it to work - I believe
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I am just another 'lowly' user/Patron ...
Just my take ...
I would humbly suggest that, the REASON that, that "Request failed with status code 500" occurs, for some, URLs to; especially, certain "Knowledge Articles" in 'FamilySearch' is; BECAUSE, the "Information" is those particular "Knowledge Articles" can be rather SENSITIVE; and, not for promulgation.
I would suggest such; as, if one notices, when one 'hits' "Enter" after the URLs, for (some of) the "Knowledge Articles" in 'FamilySearch', one gets that "Image" of the "Beginning" of the Article; which, can include some of the actual 'content' of the "Knowledge Article".
"Knowledge Articles" in 'FamilySearch' for Members of the Church ONLY, they CANNOT be 'accessed'/'viewed'/'seen' by User/Patrons who are not Members of the Church.
Likewise, such "Knowledge Articles" in 'FamilySearch', for Members of the Church ONLY, should NOT; even, appear in that aforementioned "Image", not even the "Start" of the 'content'.
I realised this very early on in the piece.
I would suggest that is the REASON.
I hope my (simple) INSIGHT helps, somewhat.
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here is the link you had the 500 error on
the preceding blank spaces - allows it to be inserted - without it trying to go out and get any additional data for the link (such as images etc,) - and thus simply shows ONLY the url.
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even for sensative URL's - if you use the method - that I explain
you can insert it into the text
but a person who is not an LDS member - will not be allowed to proceed to view it.
so in short - the preceding spaces - allows you to avoid the 500 errror.
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also instead of preceding spaces - you can type anything you want
so here is another way of doing it without just spaces:
Check out this link:
so you will see in the example above I inserted the text "Check out this link" before the url (so the url was not in the first byte position)
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I know how to include a URL (especially, for a "Knowledge Article" in 'FamilySearch').
And, I DO NOT even have to enter any proceeding 'spaces' ...
As such, my explanation was in regard to that, I really do not think that, is 'Norm's' problem/issue ...
Here ...
Look what happens when you 'hit'/'press' "Enter", straight after 'pasting' the URL, for that exact same "Knowledge Article".
[ Same "Image" as in the ORIGINAL post ... ]
[ WOW ... It works in 'Input'; but, will NOT appear when "Saved" ... ]
Tried again with ANOTHER "Knowledge Article" ...
[ NO, no good, still cannot get it to "Save" ... ]
Looks like, we CANNOT even get that ERROR to "Save" (and, appear).
I did not know that; as, I have just always, just "Deleted" them BEFORE "Saving"
Here is what I get while "Inputting"; but, BEFORE, trying to "Save" ..
I think that, that is the problem/issue that 'Norm' is referencing.
Furthermore ...
Here is the posting of a LESS Sensitive "Knowledge Article" in 'FamilySearch'
How should I enter names in Family Tree?
Do you 'see' the difference/distinction that I am referring to?
Here, on a less sensitive, "Knowledge Articles" in 'FamilySearch', that "Image", which, includes some of the actual 'content' of the "Knowledge Article", APPEARS ...
Posting, the URL, for sensitive, "Knowledge Articles" in 'FamilySearch'; especially, for Members of the Church ONLY; &, 'hitting'/'pressing' "Enter" after 'pasting' that URL, results in that "Request failed with status code 500".
'Leading'; and/or, 'Following', 'Spaces', makes NO difference whatsoever.
Again, just my simple insight.
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as to sensitive or not
it is simply what pages are for LDS and what pages are not
if you simply paste the URL that Norm was having a problem with (with the cursor on byte position 1)
you can replicate the 500 error he was getting
I took the url he emailed me
pasted in cursor position 1 - and got the 500 error
I pasted in a different position and did not get the the 500 error
and YES - there are other ways besides what I give - so as to ensure the simple url inclusion.
any such methods should work - here to avoid the 500 error.
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but YES - I agree with you - what is ultimately causing the error - is the reference to an LDS ("sensative") page - - I AGREE
I/m just saying pasting in byte position greater than 1 - prevents the expanded URL inclusion
(and thus avoids the 500 error)
You can still include a URL for an LDS page on a post . . . (using this method)
and even if you do - it will still ultimately prevent non lds users from seeing the page - even if you are able to post the url without the 500 error
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I get where you are coming from ...
So, 'Yes', simply 'pasting' the URL; and, 'hitting'/'pressing' the "Space Bar" (just, once); and, then, 'hitting'/'press' "Enter', ALLOWS the URL to appear.
But, I do not think that is 'Norm's' problem/issue; as, I have 'seen' such by him, before, in other posts.
I think it is that 'Leap' of, sometimes, 'hitting'/'pressing' "Enter" straight after 'pasting' the URL, which results in that: "Request failed with status code 500", is the real matter 'at hand'.
That is a 'Trap' for the INEXPERIENCED ...
So MANY, of the (NEW) "Moderators", from 'FamilySearch' "Support", who have just join in this "Community.FamilySearch" Forum (for the first time), are INEXPERIENCED.
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if you are in byte position 1 and you immediately paste the utl and then hit enter
it will attempt to access the URL and get more details from the page
THAT will cause an error 500 on an LDS URL
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It is NOT just getting the URL to appear, WITHOUT that ... "Request failed with status code 500" ... occurring, that I am referencing.
I am referencing, the REASON, for getting that ... "Request failed with status code 500" ...
ie. With regard to certain "Knowledge Articles" in 'FamilySearch'.
I am just trying to EXPLAIN the REASON for the resulting ERROR - in certain situations.
[ Which, I think, is the 'crux', of 'Norm's post ... ]
Just my thoughts/take.
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In short - - if you can avoid the "expanded URL inclusion" - via whatever method you choose
you will avoid the 500 error for an LDS URL
my explanation was just one of various - to avoid the expanded URL inclusion.
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(as far as I know) there is no reason a person should not be able to include an LDS url in a post
I believe It is a FLAW related the LDS URL processing that is causing the 500 error.
I have no reason to believe it is an intentional limitation (which is what I think you are trying to say)
no matter what URL's can or cannot be included in a post
that does not control the block that does indeed exist - - that prevents non LDS from seeing LDS pages.
and when you do include the non expanded LDS URL in a post - it DOES actually work (for an LDS user) - and as far as I can tell - SHOULD work.
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Thanks for all of your input/advice @Dennis J Yancey and @Brett .
The thing that concerns me is the inconsistency I am finding. My troubleshooting hasn't been exhaustive but it still seems flaky. For example, @Dennis J Yancey should be able to see church articles, as he is a member, but they were excluded from my test posts. And none of the categories are restricted from public viewing, except for the Escalated category, which is moderator-only. And I can't get my posts with URLs to replicate the behaviour that @Dennis J Yancey has explained and demonstrated.
Perhaps an administrator or engineer can shine some light on it.
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As Members of the Church, we CAN, both, 'see'; and, 'access', the "Knowledge Articles" in 'FamilySearch' ONLY available to those Users/Patrons who are, in fact, Members of the Church.
But ...
That Said ...
No one, can post that "Image", of "Knowledge Articles" in 'FamilySearch', ONLY available to those Users/Patrons who are, in fact, Members of the Church, in post in this "Community.FamilySearch" Forum.
You will NOT be able to post; nor, 'see' in a post, an "Image" like this:
For "Knowledge Articles" in 'FamilySearch', ONLY available to those Users/Patrons who are, in fact, Members of the Church all you will get when inputting in a post is this:
And ...
When you "Save" / "Post", all you will 'see' is a "Blank" Space where that URL/Above appeared, prior to posting.
That is just a "Fail Safe" in the "System", to keep "Knowledge Articles" in 'FamilySearch', that ONLY pertain to Members of the Church, from being promulgated to the those Users/Patrons who are NOT members of the Church.
You CAN include the URL.
[ Which CAN be accessed/'seen' by Users/Patrons who are Members of the Church ... ]
You simply CANNOT include that "Image" for the URL.
[ So that, that "Image" CANNOT be 'seen' by Users/Patron who are NOT members of the Church ... ]
That is it; as, simple as it gets.
Just my thoughts/take.
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But in my earlier testing in this post, I included a Church article that Dennis should be able to see, but got the "500" error before I could even post the answer.
So it seems that there is some other factor involved, in addition to the member/non-member distinction. It should let me post the article, but restrict non-members from viewing it, not stop me from posting the article.
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I do not know what that particular "Article" was ...
But, suffice to say that, NOT "All" of the "Knowledge Articles"; even, those with Church 'Content', relate ONLY to Users/Patrons who are Members of the Church.
For SOME "Knowledge Articles" there is a DUAL version, one for Members of the Church; and, another for those who are NOT members of the Church.
Unfortunately, that just 'muddies the waters' ...
And, make it hard to understand ...
Plus, the latter is where you can often post, BOTH, the URL, plus an "Image"; but, Users/Patrons who are NOT members of the Church will ONLY 'see' the version of the "Image" that pertains to non-members,
Hard to really explain.
I cannot convey it properly.
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the 500 error - does not occur when you post the article
it happens at the exact time you paste the URL (or possibly when you hit the ENTER key thereafter) - and the pasting of the url is what triggers the expanded url inclusion.
so it is a combination of BOTH things together - not just one thing
1) how the url is being pasted
2) the fact that it is an LDS page
it is the combination of BOTH things together that causes the error
and the error happens at the time the url is pasted (and the extended url inclusion is triggered) - the error is not delayed until the message is posted
and yes as Norm says - there are (independent) things in place to prevent non LDS from seeing LDS pages
BUT that should not prevent the pasting of a LDS URL in a community post in the first place. - nor do I believe that was the intention. it was merely a side effect of a flaw in the process.