How do I remove persons that are not my relatives from my file
How do I remove people with surname Perry from my list of relatives?
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How do you know they are your relatives? Family Tree is a common tree so if you use find and search you should be able to see all persons in the world who have been entered. Just because you can find a record with a name does not mean it is a relative. When you use Find you are not search Your tree but the complete tree of all entered persons. Have you used the "view my relationship" link in the upper right of the person detail page to determine if you are related. See the link below from the help center.
If you will provide additional information regarding an ID number of one of the supposed relatives and how they are related based on the View my relationship link, you might get some more detailed response.
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Where are you seeing this "my list of relatives"? FamilySearch doesn't provide such a list, that I know of.
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'Yes' ...
There is no such easily, accessible; and/or, displayable, "List" of ... "my list of relatives" ...
I think that the original poster is referencing (ie. means), her Ancestors/Family/Relatives, in the "Branches", of her "Ancestral" Lines, in 'Family Tree" of 'FamilySearch'.
Just my thoughts.
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Como elimino parentesco con una persona
Te comparto el enlace del artículo de conocimiento que ampliará la información:
También puedes utilizar el Centro de ayuda para buscar respuestas en futuras ocasiones. Para ello, solo debes ir a la parte superior derecha de la pantalla, y dar clic en el icono de un signo de pregunta.
Allí se despliega un menú, y verás un buscador donde podrás escribir sobre el tema que deseas aprender.
Espero que la información sea de utilidad. Te deseo éxito en el proceso de editar el parentesco.
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although this link does not directly answer the question
none the less I think it very well explains the general context - that we are using a collaborative system where there is one database that we all share.
(This is not a "my tree" versus "your tree" system)