Correct an incorrect index
Hi! I'm not sure if I'm posting in the correct place, but I'd appreciate your guidance. I have come across a family record, which is indexed as a marriage but is actually an affidavit, where the spouse is declaring she was married to the deceased. In the index, the affidavit date is assumed to be the marriage date, when actually it is 6 years after the death of the groom. I think the problem arose because it is not in English. I can change a few of the incorrect details, such as the place (supposedly of the marriage but actually where the affidavit was signed) but not the categorisation of the record and hence the main details. Is it possible to correct this? Thanks so much! Nicky
South Africa, Civil Marriage Records, 1840-1973, database, FamilySearch ( : 18 March 2021), > image 1 of 1; Pietermaritzburg Archives (Formerly Natal State Archives), South Africa.
Hi Nicola. Thank you for your question about a record that was indexed incorrectly. It would be great if we could correct this error, but once a project is indexed it is unlikely that errors that you noted will be corrected. You did the right thing by making a comment in the Sources that the indexed date is actually the date of the affidavit and not the marriage date. For further information, you can look at the Help Center article on indexing errors that is referenced below.