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Both Fortunata and Livia lived in San Donato Val di Comino, Frosinone, Italy. They were the daughters of Donato Cugini and Giuseppina Coletti Cugini. Donato Cugini was born in San Donato in June of 1846. Both daughters lived their entire life in San Donato. They had 5 sisters who immigrated to the United States. Francesca, Donata, Giacinta and Loreta immigrated to Norwich, Ct. and Carmela who immigrated to Newton, Mass.
Hi Robert,
Have you tried to research using Research Wiki, which allows you to choose which part of the world you wish to Search. We enclosed to article links above for more information about Wiki.
You may also get answers by going to the Italian group in the Community, called FamilySearch-Italia or Italy Genealogy Research. One of these groups may be helpful. You will need to join the group, to be able to ask you question there.
We wish you success in finding the birth information for Fortunata and Livia.
The sites were not helpful. Unless I am willing to pay a large amount of money their was no site that provided the information I requested. I know that the records in San Donato Val di Comino are not digitalized which might be the problem. It is a small village of about 2000 people. When I was there in 2013 I went the town hall and presented my questions but was they said they would e-mail me the answers but they never did. I even e-mailed them to remind them but never received a response.
Very frustrating
We are sorry our suggestions did not help. We hope one of the choices in the link below will be useful. The consultation link may be the best place to start.
We did see some record hints on Family Tree for Fortunata Cugina, LR9T-1FH, that seem to answer your inquiry.
The Family Tree LR9T-1FH is what I put together for Fortunata Cugini Coletti. There is no birth or death date on this tree for Fortunata. That is what I am looking for
We noticed others have answered your question regarding: How can I obtain the birth and death dates of Fortunata Cugini Coletti and Livia Cugini Tramontozzi
We found this URL link hopefully did will assist you
Thank you for the work you are doing in Family Tree and we wish you much success.
Dear Robert,
probably you will be interested to see the records from the Catalog in FamilySearch. The years that you are looking for are not available at this time, but you could find other ancestors checking those records.
This is the link:
We even checked "Antenati Beniculturali -Caserta, then scroll down up to page 4, to see San Donato(oggi San Donato Val di Comino)(provincia di Frosinone)"
You could also write to the churchs (there are three of them) in that municipality asking for information. Catholic records are very well organized. You can find information on how to do it in Wiki.
scroll down to the page until you find "2. Writing to a Catholic Priest for Church Records
We hope that this information will prove helpful to you.
We wish you continued success in your family history endeavors.
You are certainly dealing with a difficult situation in finding the records for your ancestor. You have received many reasonable and often helpful suggestions. One more thought is to consider the information at the link here regarding "Finding Elusive Records". This may not provide the results you need, but it could lead to such information: