Record mislabeled
Hi, I was researching Marriage records of Monmouth Co, NJ, and I believe a record for Illinois is in this area by mistake.
1421095, Item 7 7647229 has information about Illinois.
(I am not sure who the best person is to contact, my apologies if this is not the proper board)
Best Wishes! Julie
Best Answer
@Catux We went to film 7647229 in the catalog and see that it contains multiple "Items"--31 Items to be exact. They come from many different places. Back in the days of capturing images on microfilm, the camera operators needed to fill the film. Microfilm was expensive. So, if a camera operator's first assignment was to film a book from Onondaga County, Illinois and that took only a small portion of the microfilm, the camera operator would continue to use the same reel of microfilm as he or she continued to fill filming assignments until the reel was full.
Because of this, you'll often see catalog entries showing "Item" numbers. When you see Item 7, and click the camera icon to view the images, it will always open the film images on Image 1, Item 1. So, you need to scroll down the thumbnail icons to look for images that might be the beginning of a new Item. Most digitized films have title images that clearly show the Image number. Film 7647229 is more of a challenge because they did not do this in this film. We apologize that is going to be rather tedious for you go locate Item 7. Look for thumbnail images that could be title pages--not much text and the text centered on the pages. That might help.
Or, notice that the catalog also lists marriage records for Monmouth County, New Jersey that are official records from the County Clerk's office and some from the state Bureau of Archives and History. Those would be both easier to navigate and more reliable than a compiled book. Here is a link to the catalog entry. Look for the Author as Monmouth County or New Jersey for more official records:
Good luck with your research.
This is the correct place to post the problem you are describing.
If you could post the url for the record, we could verify it. And perhaps data about the person involved.
Your post was helpful and perhaps someone else can find it from the Catalog with what you posted but I could not.
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The following indicates it is a death record: However it is the birth record and the image is a copy of the birth record page, not the death record. I have found this same thing multiple times.
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