Utilize “Related Resources” Section of Indexing Q&A for Tips, Tricks & Training Info
Please utilize the now-vacant and unused “Related Resources” section of Indexing Q&A as a treasure-trove of links to useful Indexing and Review Tips, Tricks and Training Info, in the form of videos and files, including please PDF files.
Videos and files (including PDF files) could be nominated with supporting reasons for inclusion and individually vetted for propriety and usefulness. And, just because PDF files cannot be automatically scanned should not exclude them. It would take a responsible person only a short while to review a singular file for inclusion. Below is a list that I nominate for the first batch to be included. @Dellory Matthews happened to mention these in a recent post. I have some files that I’ve created and would nominate. @Melissa S Himes has some nominees, I’m sure. These links, tips and tools should be easily available for reference (and referral when answering questions). They shouldn’t be known only by an experienced few - who don’t need them anyway. Vote for this idea if you support it.
Hat tip to @Dellory Matthews for this batch of nominees.
Here are some really helpful indexing videos:
13 minutes; Judy Sharp; BYU Family History Library; October 2019
54 minutes; Kathryn Grant; BYU Family History Library on 6/13/19
Here's an interview with Jason Pierson and discussion about indexing, including what's coming in the future.