i am indexing american telephone directories which have many similar names like chas schneider-
Best Answer
You just index the first instance of identical Entries. Addresses and occupations are not indexed so they don’t count toward distinguishing two Entries. You don’t create a new Entry that is identical to a previous one. An Entry for a person must be different in some (Indexed) Field from a previous Entry in order for the person to be eligible to be Indexed. For example - different middle initial, different spouse name, one has a spouse, one doesn’t etc. Here below is the guidance: The Researcher will see the image and will see the various John Smiths for example, and their various occupations and residences.
Index each unique name. Some names may be duplicated. When names are exact duplicates, index only the first instance of the name listed. Skip the other exact duplicates and then index the next unique name. Unique names include names with different middle initials, spouses listed with the individual, and different name spellings.