Anne Pedersdatter and Virgil Thomas Hancock III

Mary Ellen Hyler MTHP-3M1 MTH2-XKB
Birth: 31 Jan 1943, Richmond, Virginia, United States
Death 15 January 2005, Richmond, Virginia, United States
to Mary Ellen Hyler who Husband is Virgil Thomas Hancock III, lived 1943-2005
Anne Pedersdatter, lived 1650-1691 # MTH2-XKB
Needs, to be unmurges to times for correct date to be in place
Hi Thanks for posting here in community. We are having a little hard time understanding exactly what you are trying to do. We don't see any sources attached to Anne Pedersdatter, MTH2-XKB and no connection to the other people you reference. Maybe you can respond with some more specifics about what you are trying to do. The sources on Virgil and Mary look like they are correctly attached although not necessarily to all the people on the source.
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We do not find any merges have taken place for Anne Pedersdatter MTH2-XKB who currently is not linked to any family members. We see in Latest changes initially she was linked as he spouse of Ole Asgautsen MTH2-XV5, then as the spouse of Ola Asgautson Skjelsnes Hidle LW3Q-999, both of these have the same marriage date of 1681. However that relationship was deleted in 2018.
As for MTHP-3M1 that PID was originally linked to a male and was merged with Anna Eriksdotter • K2YC-JR5 who in 2012 was linked as a spouse to Jonas Johsson KT3Y-CXV.
We see you posted the ID GZGZ-QZP which belongs to Mary Ellen Hyler • GZGZ-QZP who we see is linked as a spouse to Virgil Thomas Hancock !!! GZG7-CCN and Charles Colen Reuss G7ZZ-LR9,
We do not find any Merges that have taken place on that record for GZGZ-QZP
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I am aware of both comments info. What I desire is: Retain the Document and Data of: Virgil Thomas Hancock III and Image with data that is Virgil Thomas Hancock
Virginia, Divorce Records, 1918-1988
attached To: ? MTHP-3M1 AND MTH2-XKB
Detach this Couple that is not correct in both records, and reattach the correct wife's that is in the data and image to the correct wife's, that one is a Marriage, and the other is a Divorce.
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GZGZ-QZP is a new number as I did attach Mary Ellen Hyler to,
MTHP-3M1 AND MTH2-XKB are old numbers that no longer are her number, but they are still attach to the new,, and I have no way to detach these to old number's, MTHP-3M1 AND MTH2-XKB, to reattach the new and correct Wife's to the right husband. One is a Marriage the other a Divorce. The Computer Question ? MTHP-3M1, and posts, Anne Pedersdatter, MTH2-XKB
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Hi It would be much better to talk about this on the phone. We sent you a private secure message where you can give your phone number and suggested times to call or your can call at your convenience between 8 am and 8 pm Mountain time to 1-866-406-1830
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Divorce Record Of and Dora Fay Clough GZGH-9B5 is attached to MTHP-3M1
Marriage Record of; and Doris Marie Duff Drewett is attached to Anne Pedersdatter MTH2-XKB
Needs to escalate, for there is no way to undo it to attach the right person to the right document, without Correcting; ? MTHP-3M1 nor Anne Pedersdatter MTH2-XKB from Anne Pedersdatter MTH2-XKB
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I am aware of both comments info. What I desire is: Retain the Document and Data of: Virgil Thomas Hancock III and Image with data that is Virgil Thomas Hancock
Virginia, Divorce Records, 1918-1988
attached To: ? MTHP-3M1 AND MTH2-XKB
Detach this Couple that is not correct in both records, and reattach the correct wife's that is in the data and image to the correct wife's, that one is a Marriage, and the other is a Divorce.
Deceased •
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I spoke with JEF1 for quite some time regarding this issue on the phone to try and understand the problem he was trying to describe. The Issue is with records that appear to be attached to persons in FamilyTree. However, when you go to those individuals Person page and try to detach the source, the source does not appear.
The above screen shot shows one of the Virginia Marriage Certificates source attached to Virgil Thomas Hancock III (GZGZ-QZP).
In the Similar Records section, a Virginia Marriage Certificates record for Virgil Thomas Hancock is shown as being attached to Anne Pedersdatter (MTH2-XKB). However, if you go to that source and look at the source linker, it does not show an attachment to Anne Pedersdatter. Also if you go to the Person page for Anne Pedersdatter and look at the Sources tab on her page, the referenced source does not appear. JEF1 would like to detach the source from Anne Pedersdatter but there doesn't appear to be a way to do so.
A similar situation exists with ? (MTHP-3M1) where a Virginia Divorce Record seems to be attached to this person. However, in this case, MTHP-3M1 is not visible. Again, JEF1 would like to detach the Virginia Divorce Record source from MTHP-3M1 but there doesn't appear to be a way to do so.
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It appears that this issue is resolved. We do not see a divorce record in sources for MTHP-3M1.