fhc computer repair needed

The fhc computer warranty ended 5/22/2018. What happens then? Our Stake Tech Specialist says, he doesn't know what to do about it.
Best Answers
Here is a link to find the order form for a new computer.
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Warranty may have run out but if the computer in question is a Dell 9030 or 7440 Model still running Windows 7 Enterprise, these machine qualifies for an upgrade to Windows 10 Pro. The instructions and resources for running the upgrade are found in this Help Article:
Family History Centre Edition of the Windows 10 x64 Professional version 4 Installation USB
I am just another 'lowly' User/Patron ...
[ And, one who has worked in "Family History Centres", for a number of years ... ]
As an aside ...
Were you aware that there two (x2), general/generic, 'Groups', in the 'Groups' Section, of this "Community.FamilySearch" Forum, specifically relating to "Family History Centres"?
IF, you have responsibility for, a "Family History Centre", of the Church; THEN, you may "Request" to "Join" (one; or, both) those 'Groups', depending on the location of your "Family History Centre".
Those 'Groups' contain, a wealth, of both, "Resources"; and, those with Experience in "Family History Centres", willing to help/assist.
Those 'Groups' being, with their appropriate link:
[ 1 ]
Home > Groups > Family History Center Consultants
Family History Center Consultants
[ 2 ]
Home > Groups > Family History Center Technical Support (North America)
Family History Center Technical Support (North America)
I just thought, that this may help, somewhat.