Liberia Census part 1
I am indexing Liberia, Census, part 1 On the column indicating relationship the recoreder has just put numbers, 01,02,03,04,05, etc. Each of these has a designation such as child, parent, spouse, etc. But it is obvious that these are children of the first 2 enteries. I assume I still just put the numbers recorded, not what I think it right.
Some of the enteries are 1 year old, but listed as parents. You get the idea
Thanks for your help
Best Answer
Please share your batch so someone can see exactly what you are asking about.
As indexers, we are asked to type what we see, and not make any corrections. We're just getting researchers to records and they can be the judge of accuracy.
The Field Help (purple circle) will tell you how to use the drop-down menu. We don't index just the numbers.