Abstracts of the early deeds of Granville County, North Carolina, 1746-1765
The link from this page https://www.familysearch.org/search/catalog/2525612 to the digital version of the document is incorrect https://www.familysearch.org/library/books/records/item/412118-redirection.
Best Answer
@William K F , The link you posted for Abstracts of the early deeds of Granville County, North Carolina, 1746- 1765 is actually a correct link. It shows that this particular reference is to page 88 of an issue of Upshaw Family Journal. The redirection link goes to the digital version of that journal, and page 88 does show transcriptions of two deeds for property owned by someone named Upshaw. This is clearly not the entire collection of deed abstracts.
As was pointed out in the answer above, a catalog search for the entire collection of Abstracts of early deeds of Granville County leads us to a book which is not currently digitized: https://www.familysearch.org/search/catalog/?availability=Family%20History%20Library
You can request that this book be placed in the queue to be digitized. The Help Center article at the link below gives instructions for making the request to digitize : https://www.familysearch.org/help/helpcenter/article/can-i-request-that-familysearch-digitize-a-book
You are correct. By doing a catalog search, we find that those records are actually a book with the call number 975.6535 R2. The book is available at the FamilySearch Library in Salt Lake City, Utah, but is not available online. We will send this information to the team at FamilySearch that can correct the link to the book. You can find the source by going to the catalog and typing in the place United States, North Carolina. It will take you to way points and there you will find Granville County. Under United States, North Carolina, Granville -- Land and Property you will find the Abstracts you are looking for.
Thank you for letting us know of the incorrect links.