Will Community soon be available in the same languages as FamilySearch ?

Best Answer
: The following Core 10 languages are available:
• Chinese • English • French • German • Italian • Japanese • Korean • Portuguese • Russian • Spanish
Q: Will switching languages keep the contents of a page the same? Is each page in the Community translated into the core 10 languages?
A: Switching to a different language does not translate the English responses into the selected language. Rather, it provides different questions and answers written and responded to in the selected language.
Q: Can I set up a page in a language outside of the 10 Core languages?
A: For multi-areas with a need for an additional language, a process will be established where you will request a group creation. There will be a request form that will be filled out, at which point someone will contact you and counsel with the multi-area to determine the needs and staffing requirements for that group.
If there is another language you would like to see added, may I suggest you got to the Ideas tab (in the left hand Community Menu) and add it as a suggestion? The Ideas area is regularly reviewed by FamilySearch staff and engineers so you may get a better reply there.