city directories
Please provide a batch number to review before answering your question. It's always helpful if we can see what you are seeing.
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The biography/histories should not be indexed. In the Project Instructions in What to Index it instructs us to mark histories as No, No Extractable Data.
They sure are interesting though. Perhaps they will be indexed in another project in the future.
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do I index a spouse's name if it is not in parentheses?
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If the spouse does not have wid or widw or another variation of widow(er) next to it, it is index. Parentheses has no bearing on whether or not it is indexed.
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Please note that many of the Part E City Directories, you'll find all sorts of variations as to how the spouse is listed
Many indexers are missing indexing the spouse as they are used to seeing the spouse only listed in ( ). As stated in erutherford's post, "Parentheses have no bearing on whether or not it is indexed."
Example of how the following should be indexed:
Pate Hardin. bartender, res 309 2nd Ave, Mrs Gertrude
Correctly indexed as:
Surname: Pate
Given Name: Hardin
Spouse Surname: Pate
Spouses Given Name: Gertrude
Spouses Prefix: Mrs (only because it was listed with the Mrs in the directory)
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I'm reviewing City Directories. At the start of the name change it states, "Coleman, see also Colman." The directory then lists the Coleman families. The indexer typed, "Coleman or Colman." for the surname for all of the listed families. Should all of the names on the list be classified as "Coleman or Colman" or should they be listed as the spelling on the individual's line?
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The only name that is indexed is Coleman. Any surname that has "see also" attached to it is not indexed. "see also" alerts the viewer that the person they are looking for may be under another spelling of the name.
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Excellent, Thank you so much. 😀