Why am I not receiving e-mail notifications for messages in familysearch.org?

I have not been receiving e-mail notifications that I have a message in familysearch.org for over a year. All my notifications in settings are turned on.
Best Answers
In around 2020 FamilySearch ended notifications by email. You will need to look for these at the top of the page on FamilySearch at the bell icon.
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You can change your notifications by email or popup. You can have one or the other, both or none. Please see article
I don't believe the information posted earlier is correct.
That’s too bad because I send a lot of messages trying to coordinate research and if those people aren’t actively engaged in familysearch then they have no way of knowing about an inquiry outside of the website.
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Familysearch should put a notice in the notifications settings that that function isn’t working anymore.
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I am just another 'lowly' User/Patron ...
A point of clarification here ...
It is NOT so much that, 'FamilySearch' ENDED "E-mail" NOTIFICATIONS, 'per se' ...
It more that, 'FamilySearch' CHANGED the way we are "Notified" about SOME "Notifications" ...
We STILL get notified, by "E-mail", that we have a "Notification"; but, those actual 'Notices' are NOW a Special form of 'Message' in/through 'FamilySearch'
IF, such are "Enabled" in your "Settings" in 'FamilySearch'
Email Messages
▬ FamilySearch Information
.... Receive emails that contain tips, inspiration, news, and Rootstech Information.
▬ Discoveries about My Ancestors
.... Receive personalized emails about your ancestors.
▬ Messages from Other Users
... Receive email when another user messages you through FamilySearch.
▬ Receive and Offer Help
.... Allow me to receive an invitation from a helper, or send an invitation to help others.
▬ Shared Temple Ordinances
.... Allow others to share temple opportunities with you.
THEN, you will STILL receive "E-mail" Notifications.
It is just that you need to go somewhere special to view such notifications.
Here, the "Bell", is where you will 'see' that you have "Notifications"
IF, there is a 'Red' "Dot" on the "Top, Left" of the "Bell"; THEN you have "Notifications" that you have NOT accessed/read.
The "Categories" of "Notifications" are:
▬ Discoveries
▬ General
▬ Tree
▬ [ One for Users/Patrons who are Members of the Church ]
Plus ...
Here are a couple of "Knowledge Articles" in 'FamilySearch':
Where do I find FamilySearch notifications?
How do I unsubscribe or subscribe to email notifications and newsletters?
I hope this helps, somewhat.
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Is there supposed to be an email sent to me or not?
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Jean Steele,
Regarding: we received your question ' Is there supposed to be an email sent to me or not? '
The answer is no.
Please review the following article listed below, with the URL for detailed explanation.
Thank you for the work you are doing in Family Tree and we wish you much success.
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I am just another 'lowly' User/Patron ...
And ...
Please be advised that I am not trying to be dissenting; especially, as you are a "Moderator".
[ ie. 'FamilySearch' "Support" (Personnel), being a, "Help Center Moderator"; and, an "Employee" ]
But ...
That Said ...
A further point of clarification here ...
Your answer to the 'Question', "... Is there supposed to be an email sent to me or not? ... ". is NO.
Whereas ...
I STILL receive, "E-mails", on a regular basis (almost, "Daily"), that I HAVE "Notifications", being 'Messages' of, "Discoveries"; and/or, "General"; and/or, "General"; and/or, "Tree"; and/or, "[ One for Users/Patrons who are Members of the Church ]".
This in is one just the other day ... which even display that "Bell" (with the "Red" 'Dot') in 'FamilySearch':
Whereas ...
Granted, we DO NOT receive "E-mails", from 'FamilySearch', that we have 'Messages' from OTHER Users/Patrons in the "User Messaging" of 'FamilySearch', like we used to.
This point of further clarification is that there is a distinction between:
[ 1 ]
'Messages' of, "Discoveries"; and/or, "General"; and/or, "General"; and/or, "Tree"; and/or, "[ One for Users/Patrons who are Members of the Church ]"
[ 2 ]
'Messages' from OTHER Users/Patrons in the "User Messaging" of 'FamilySearch'
As such ...
I was trying to advise that, we STILL receive SOME forms of "E-mails", from 'FamilySearch', regarding 'Messages' of, "Discoveries"; and/or, "General"; and/or, "General"; and/or, "Tree"; and/or, "[ One for Users/Patrons who are Members of the Church ]".
In other words ...
NOT All "E-mails", from 'FamilySearch', about ALL 'Messages', have stopped; as, advised by one User/Patron (ie. the first respondent, with an "Accepted Answer") to the original 'Question'.
Just my thoughts.
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As an aside ...
Not so much to do with, "E-mails" from 'FamilySearch' ...
In 'FamilySearch' itself, here is where one can 'see' (pictorially) if one has, either,
[ 1 ]
'Messages' of, "Discoveries"; and/or, "General"; and/or, "General"; and/or, "Tree"; and/or, "[ One for Users/Patrons who are Members of the Church ]"
[ 2 ]
'Messages' from OTHER Users/Patrons in the "User Messaging" of 'FamilySearch'
That "Red" 'Dot' is an indicator that one has such 'Messages'.
In the above case, the User/Patron, has BOTH - ie. pending, that they have NOT yet accessed/read.
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I have been receiving email notifications from FamilySearch several times a week until about a month ago. I have checked my settings. I have only received one note by checking the bell on my FS page. I think this is unusual.
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I am just another 'lowly' User/Patron ...
[ And, I happen to be a Member of the Church ... ]
In reference to 'FamilySearch', NOT this "Community.FamilySearch" Forum ...
'Yes', I have received, relatively few "E-mails", from 'FamilySearch', of late.
Whereas ...
I have received, MANY "Notifications", from 'FamilySearch', from within 'FamilySearch', itself.
ie. "Discoveries"; "General"; "Tree"; and, [ for Users/Patrons, who are Member of the Church ] "Temple"
I would humbly suggest, that you take a 'look', at that "Bell" Icon, on the TOP Line Menu, on the 'Right-Hand-Side', of any page/screen.
IF, there is a "Red" 'Dot', on the TOP 'Right-Hand-Side', of that "Bell" Icon; THEN, there are "Notifications", that you have not yet read/accessed.
When you select that "Bell" Icon, on that "Drop Down" Menu, that appears, go down to the "Bottom"; and, select that "SHOW ALL NOTIFICATIONS".
The first (or, Default) 'Category' to appear is that of the "Discoveries"; but, for there, you can then select any one of the other 'Categories' of "General"; "Tree"; and, [ for Users/Patrons, who are Member of the Church ] "Temple".
But ...
That Said ...
'Yes', the amount, of actual "E-mails", from 'FamilySearch', have considerably declined, of late.
[ But, that said, "Notifications", from 'FamilySearch', are continuing at a steady pace ... ]
I hope this might help/assist.
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Do you happen to have yahoo email? If so, yahoo has been throttling the emails that come from the Church - including FamilySearch. Perhaps this may be why you are not getting email. I know I personally missed at least a dozen messages over the past month. I switched all my accounts over to gmail and have been getting emails more recently.
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Function/Feature being discussed:
Messages from Other Users - On/Off - Receive email when another user messages you through FamilySearch.
Original Concern:
I have not been receiving e-mail notifications that I have a message in familysearch.org for over a year. All my notifications in settings are turned on.
Familysearch should put a notice in the notifications settings that that function isn’t working anymore.
Is there supposed to be an email sent to me or not?_______________________________________________________________________
Post by DLLogan ✭
June 23, 2021 edited June 23, 2021 Accepted Answer
In around 2020 FamilySearch ended notifications by email. You will need to look for these at the top of the page on FamilySearch at the bell icon.
Can anyone in an authoritative role verfiy that FamilySearch ended notifications by email for messages from other users?
If DLLogan is correct everything else on this thread is a lot of hoopla and arm waving.
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Thank you for your response. ALL of my notifications are turned ON. I am still not receiving any notifications by email or text. The message box within familysearch is the only way I know there’s a message.
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It's 'Brett', again.
Just in passing ...
Have you checked, in your "Settings", in your 'FamilySearch' Account, to make certain, that the associated "E-mail" Address, for you, is CORRECT (and, CURRENT).
Just in case ...
The "E-mail" Address, that one has associated, with 'FamilySearch', is found, in one's "Settings", under the FIRST (and, "Default") 'Tab'; being, "Account", about two thirds of the way down, under "Password and Recovery Methods".
Just a thought.
I hope, that this may help/assist, somewhat.
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Yes. My email is correct. I get other notifications from familysearch such as from this thread, Roots tech notifications from familysearch, but not from inquiries within the family tree.
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All - I am trying to get more information about this. I have no timeline for a resolution.
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So, just to be clear.
- When there are "Notifications" in the Bell Icon, I do NOT receive an email that there are notifications.
- When there are "Messages" from other patrons in the message box, I do NOT receive an email telling me there are messages.
- All my notifications are turned on in Settings
Messages from Other Users
Receive email when another user messages you through FamilySearch. (This is turned on to YES)
It appears to me that we should still be notified through email that we have messages.
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We used to get emails all the time for these kind of notifications. Now, we only get these notifications within FamilySearch and within the FamilySearch app. Many email providers were blocking these notifications from getting to users. I believe this is why FamilySearch stopped sending out emails.
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As an aside, from the original intent, of the post, by 'Jean' ...
I am NOT certain ...
But ...
That Said ...
Through a recent post ...
I think, that I have identified, a DISCREPANCY, that MAY be causing, CONFLICT ... Along the same lines ...
To Wit ...
There appears to be, a DISCREPANCY (and, hence CONFLICT), of HOW the various messages, are received; between, the ORIGINAL Computer "Web" version, of 'FamilySearch'; and, the "Mobile" Application, of 'FamilySearch', most probably; CAUSING, problems/issues.
(1) ORIGINAL Computer "Web" version, of 'FamilySearch'
What actually happens, if you have ENABLED, the receive, of "Text Messages", in the "Settings", of your 'FamilySearch' Account.
Although, that particular "Setting" ONLY references:
Messages from Other Users
Receive a text message when another user messages you through FamilySearch.
And, NOT the MANY Other messages ...
Email Messages
FamilySearch Information
Receive emails that contain tips, inspiration, news, and Rootstech Information.
Discoveries about My Ancestors
Receive personalized emails about your ancestors.
Messages from Other Users
Receive email when another user messages you through FamilySearch.
Receive and Offer Help
Allow me to receive an invitation from a helper, or send an invitation to help others.
Shared Temple Ordinances
Allow others to share temple opportunities with you.
Family Groups
Receive emails related to group activity.
It would appear, that "Setting", to "Enable" the receipt, of "Text Messages" (via. a Mobile Device); through, the ORIGINAL Computer "Web" version, of 'FamilySearch', MAY cover ALL of the above - like it or not.
(2) "Mobile" Application, of 'FamilySearch'
The "Mobile" Application, of 'FamilySearch', is much More COMPLEX ...
Settings ...
Subscriptions ...
Notifications ...
Hm ...
TOTALLY Different ...
WHICH takes "Precedence" ... and, more importantly ... WHERE ...
Hence, possible DISCREPANCY; due to, the CONFLICTS ...
That is a matter, that definitely NEEDS to be investigated; and, addressed/fixed.
Just my thoughts.
'Food for thought' ...
I know, that this does not help/assist; but, I hope, that this may provide you with, some additional, insight; and, perspective.
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My iOS version is 4.3.0 so looks a little different than yours, but I have the same categories in various places. All subscriptions are turned on. Is this a fluke just for me?
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That is a very good question ...
Mine were the, "Windows"; and, "Android", versions, rather than "Apple" ...
As an aside ...
The Problem/Issue, that I referenced above, regarding the possible DISCREPANCY; due to, the CONFLICTS, of HOW the various messages, are received; between, the ORIGINAL Computer "Web" version, of 'FamilySearch'; and, the "Mobile" Application, of 'FamilySearch', most probably is CAUSING problems/issues, that REALLY (in fact, "Definitely") NEEDS to be, investigated; and, addressed/fixed.
As such ...
Hopefully, a "Moderator" [ ie. 'FamilySearch' "Support" ( Personnel ) ], can take this (and, the "Related") posts, into the working of 'FamilySearch' "Support", to FORWARD the matter to the relevant Department; which, WHERE such WILL need to go, to BOTH, the Team for the ORIGINAL Computer "Web" version, of 'FamilySearch'; and, the Team responsible for the "Mobile" Application, of 'FamilySearch'; as, there is CONFLICT between the two programmes.
Just my thoughts.
Attention: @CJTobler ... [ Can you please assist, 'Thank You' in advance. ]
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I am having issues too. NO TEXT ALERTS!!! At allllll.
I was using familysearch through my computer only and my notification settings are turned on to get text messages when another user messages --- but i get zilch - nothing - nada. I was completely clueless when someone contacted me. I had to log in and check to see if I had messages or not.
Also, I just learned today that there is an app (and this forum lol) ......and on the app...it clearly says email and it was already turned on when I downloaded my app. However, I am not getting emails either...but at least now I get the "alerts" from the app on my phone...but these are not text messages....the settings on the website and app are all misleading and needs to be fixed - since there is no text or email being sent and then for users like my previous self.....that do not use the app or even knew it existed...they are relaying on this feature to work and get notified, and they are not. I literally just spent an hour chatting with 2 different agents and then calling over the phone...only to be pointed to post on the forum..I had no clue there was a forum..and then I came across this post.
is there a way to get someone from the web team of Family search...to look into this and fix?
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[ Attention: Moderator @CJTobler ]
Welcome to the "Community.FamilySearch" Forum.
I am just another 'lowly' User/Patron ...
Just in passing ...
I have already "Requested", that the WHOLE matter, be investigated ...
[ There, DOES appear to be SOME major Problems/Issues ... ]
But ...
That Said ...
It is going to take some 'Time' ...
It is "Very" COMLICATED ...
As, there are, TWO (x2) sperate "Teams", in 'FamilySearch', that are involved ...
(1) the Team working on, the ORIGINAL Computer "Web" version, of 'FamilySearch',
and, ...
(2) the Team working on, the "Mobile" Application, of 'FamilySearch'.
And, not to forget, to mention, any of the corelated "Teams", working on SMALLER Components, thereof ...
There NEEDS to be significant, collaboration; and, correlation, between such "Teams".
It is NOT an simple matter ...
It REALLY is a matter of just waiting ...
We can but live in hope.
I know, that this certainly does not help/assist; but, I hope, that this may provide you with, some additional, insight; and, perspective.
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Just checking if there has been any progress on this topic? It seems this features has been broken for years even though the options are still available in Settings -> Notifications.
To clarify, no one I've talked to is receiving email or text notices of FamilySearch when they receive a message from another user. We do see the red dot next to the Messages icon on the top, right corner of the FamilySearch website. We do receive plenty of other emails from FamilySearch that would generally show up in the Bell icon (i.e. new memories, records hints, temple ordinance opportunities, etc). Sadly we do not receive Emails or Texts when another FamilySearch user sends us a direct Message. Both options are enabled in Notifications as shown below.
Any update on this issue from a FamilySearch developer, employee, moderator would be much appreciated!
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I have recently received email notifications for private messages, for discoveries about my ancestors, for all the categories in the help area that I subscribe to and other misc. stuff. I believe they are working just fine. You may want to check your junk folder, or make sure your email settings don't automatically block emails that are auto-generated, such as these. I just wish the groups would be moved over to the category system so I could subscribe to MyGroups. I have pretty much abandoned most of my groups, and that is because I can't get email notifications which show topics and first sentences of posts. I still wonder why FS has made that change and allowed it to remain. Just move the groups into the category hierarchy. Problem solved.
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@MattFirth, what domain/service is your email from? If it's gmail, the lack of notification may not be FS's fault: I'm pretty sure that gmail silently "loses" certain classes of emails. I've certainly learned not to use my gmail address when ordering products online; the confirmations never show up, neither in my inbox, nor in my spam.
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@Julia Szent-Györgyi Yes, I am using gmail as my email service. I will try updating my FS profile to use my other email address from a different provider to see if that has any impact. Its certainly a quick/easy thing to test and worth a shot. That said, I am currently receiving plenty of email from FS to my gmail address, but none associated with "Messages from other user", nor do I receive "Texts Messages from FamilySearch" for the same. Can you confirm you do?
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On the main FS site, email notification of messages from other users is the only thing I have turned on -- and never receive anything. (There are various reasons for my FS account staying associated with my gmail address.) I do get notifications from Community and the wiki, but not from the main site.