Have all Passenger Lists been indexed?
I found my relative by searching page by page of a Passenger List found in Collections, but when I search by her name, the record can’t be found. Have all Passenger Lists been indexed? This one is Maryland, Baltimore Passenger Lists, 1820-1948, 1820-1891 (NARA M255, M596) Roll #48 - Aug 5, 1890-Mar 25, 1891 on page 161. My relative is Bertha Hetmanska. The transcriber on Ancestry.com recorded her last name as HeBmanska.
Best Answers
Hi Carol. I am just a volunteer, but, I can tell you this passenger list has not been indexed. I would venture to guess that there are probably millions of these lists that have survived. With the information you provided, I also found this page. It has not been indexed by FS because it says no index available at the below the image window. I would also add that this list could have been indexed by someone using Ancestry, by a computer, or by an outside group not related to Ancestry. You might want to search FAQ's on Ancestry to find out how to get the name corrected, or if you can make the correction yourself. I haven't used their service for quite a while.
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I don't think FamilySearch will ever be finished indexing everything on the site. In September 2020, they announced that a milestone of 8 billion searchable names had been added and that was "just the tip of the iceberg". Here is an article you might enjoy reading: https://media.familysearch.org/familysearch-hits-8-billion-searchable-names-in-historical-records/
Thank you for this information, Melissa. I did not realize that FS hasn’t indexed everything on their site. Now I understand why I haven’t been able to find some family records, but at least they have the Passenger Lists for me to view page by page which takes a great deal of patience & determination. I have corrected her name on Ancestry.