My image looks like an open book with two adjacent pages open. I can't access more of the pages.
Hi Craig. It’s always helpful when you ask a question to Share your Batch info so that we can open your batch in “Shared” mode and see what you see. When your Batch is open, click on the 3rd horizontal toolbar icon from the right (curvy arrow) to learn how to Share your Batch..
However, I’ll take a stab at it without seeing your Batch. if you have indexed all the information on your image that needs indexing, then it’s likely that you have (many) extra blank Entries that you don’t need. Just use the trashcan icon in the middle of the horizontal toolbar to delete them. Choose the option “all blank entries” and then click “Delete.” All those extra blank Entries should disappear, and if there are no legitimate errors after the QC step, then you should be able to submit your batch.
BTW - The reason you get all those errors is that most, if not all of the blank Fields in those extra blank Entries are required Fields (must have something in them, even if it's a blank indicator like Ctrl+B). So, each blank Field in every blank Entry generates an error - hence hundreds of errors. But you don't want to put blank indicators in them - you just want to get rid of them using the trashcan.