Need to merge-system won't allow
These three records need to be merges, but I get an error message that they ate connected to a read only record. They are
duplicate Bathsheba or Batsheba • LDQS-V29
duplicate Bathsheba (Bathshua) Ben Eliam or AMMIEL • L873-LHL
Bathsheba בת-שבע bat AMMIEL d'Israël • LZ5L-5CK
Could you please merge these records?
Thank you
I was able to merge two of them. Honestly, I just wouldn't worry too much about ancient people. People will add so many duplicates on FamilySearch that trying to fix it becomes pointless, frankly. I mean, these people lived over 3000 years ago, so I wouldn't worry too much about trying to compile an accurate and comprehensive genealogy from that time :)
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