Expired indexing batch • FamilySearch
https://www.familysearch.org/help/helpcenter/article/why-do-indexing-batches-expireLearn about expired indexing batches and deadlines.
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@Ruth Van Der Leek thank you for your message. Sorry for not having access again to the batch you were working on. Below is an article to help you understand why you are not being able to get access to the batch you were working on.
Can't we get some better projects to index? We are trying to teach beginners how to index, but they get discouraged right away with the choices. How about some American birth, death, and marriage certificates? Not the Indiana ones that span 2 images. They had Utah marriage certificates, but they day they were put up they were already 85% done. People are scared away by Liberia and Africa because they have enough trouble with the American ones. And no one wants to index a phone book. Sorry, it's just been a long time since we had some "normal ones".