What happens to sources that were attached after a merge if that merge is undone?

I noticed recently that another user has merged a PID that I’ve worked on which was quite a substantial profile with a PID they created that same day (ie shell profile with little information included). With a bit more investigation I’ve found they’ve done this for at least one other associated PID (the husband). Whilst, theoretically, the match is correct for both merges, because they’ve kept the 2021 PIDs they have effectively archived change logs that date back to 2012 that were attached to the more substantial PIDs.
I personally find the change logs enormously useful to further research and accuracy checking of PIDs, so I’m of a mind to undo the merge and immediately re merge, but this time retaining the older and more complete PID. However, the same user has since attached a number of correctly associated sources to the surviving PID and I realised I’m unsure what will happen to those if I proceed with restoring the deleted (or archived due to merge if we’re being semantic about it) PID.
I’ve had to untangle multiple messy incorrect merges in the past, but haven’t come across this particular issue, so am hoping the community might have some light to shed.
(PS. On another note, I have been trying to post this for over a week via my iPad with no success and have had no success on my laptop eu. I kept getting the message that it would be posted after approval but then it would immediately revert to my drafts??)
According to the knowledge article from the FamilySearch Help Center, Sources, photos, stories, documents, audio files, notes, and discussions all merge automatically. After the merge, you may need to detach any that no longer apply.
A life sketch does not automatically merge. During the review merge process, you can choose which life sketch to keep.
Does this help with your decision about unmerging?
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The link here may also help with your steps to undo a merge:
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- Add sources and reason statements to help other contributors reach correct conclusions. Select standardized dates and places.
- Carefully review all attached sources, and be sure they are attached to the proper record after you unmerge 2 records.
That is the advise from the attached article.
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Since changes have been made to the merged record (person) since the merge you will not be able to unmerge. However, you can restore the deleted record (person).
The sources, etc., that were added since the merge will still be on the merged record and the original sources, etc., will be on the restored record.
When you redo the merge in the order you wish those sources will be brought along to the new merged record.
The only problem I see is that the change list for the new merged record will not include the list of changes that were done on the newly deleted record (before, or after, the prior merge).
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To follow on @Kevin Augustus Long's advice: have you reached out to the other contributor? Simply ask them to, when they merge profiles, be mindful of retaining the PID of the older profile. Mention why: to preserve the change log of the older profile.
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My experience is that if you are able to "unmerge" the records, the sources go back on the separate individuals correctly. If the unmerge option is not available and you have to RESTORE the deleted individual, the sources that were attached to each individual prior to the merge or any sources added after the merge may or may not since the system doesn't know who they belong to. I always review the sources carefully any time I unmerge or restore individuals in Family Tree.