I keep getting error messages when I click the error checking button on a batch that I have reviewed
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I have been reviewing quite a few Liberian Census batches and have not had any error problems. But it is possible there was a problem with the program if others have been having the same issue over the weekend. It could be that it has been fixed as I did quite a few this morning and have not encountered errors. I would suggest, if you haven't done so already, that you clear your cookies and temp files since it is always good to do that housekeeping anyway. Best of luck!
Could you please let us know if you are having continuing issues with the error messages? Thank you.
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There is an issue with the Quality Check. Instead of showing you where the mistakes are it shows an error message than locks up. Refresh then find the mistake. If it is a review it is likely that a box has not been checked. When you find the mistake go ahead and attempt to submit again. It should go through. If not then there is still an mistake that needs corrected so repeat the steps. Refresh, correct any mistakes and submit again.
We are sorry you are getting frustrated. It is frustrating. We are sure the engineers are working hard to correct this issue!
There must be a problem with the program. Many people seem to be having the same trouble this weekend. Perhaps it will be corrected in the morning or there will be an explanation.
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It doesn't get better in the morning. My error message would come when I tried to submit my work. I was doing US Immigration records and that was a week ago. I tried every day to see if it had cleared which it hadn't. I finally just sent them to wherever they go when you manage them to go away. The error message seemed to have been only for the US Immigration records because I could work with other batches. I was humming right along when the error message showed up in the Virginia birth records. I spent a lot of work on this batch reviewing and I really don't want to send it off. I don't feel like the problem will be corrected and there is no one in the know that is available to tell us. When I get the error message, it seizes up the whole program and doesn't let me go back to find another batch. I'm frustrated.
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Definitely frustrated. It will go along just fine for several batches and them several in a row will error out. It would be nice if the error was properly handled so that the browser doesn't lock up.
There used to be a phone number manned by some very helpful missionaries and a really helpful chat line. Has that all gone away?
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Mi sugerencia es que vea si ha tildado todos los campos del registro que ha revisado, a veces suele ser ese el problema y aparece como error al querer enviar el lote.