Your site to too difficult for me to use.
I am trying to add my name to my husband Hayden Hilton Hamilton. I am his second wife and I am not listed nor our two children.
I also want to change his occupation from salesman to: Entrepreneur businessman, as that is what he was.
also he died in Thousand Oaks, CA. county of Ventura. He did not die in Ventura
Best Answer
Hello @CarolHamiton
FamilySearch takes a bit of getting used to. I agree.
You may like to call into the Support line so they can guide you over the phone.
Scroll down to the bottom of the screen for the toll free number.
Support can check that you are linked correctly and if you are not, then help you do that.
If you are not already linked to Hayden as his wife the easiest way, I think, is to
go to your Peson page. If you are in tree view click on your name and then choose Person at the bottom of the pop up box.
Scroll down to the Family Members Section. If no spouses or parents show then click on the title Family Members.
In the Family Members box underneath Spouses and Children there is a +Add Spouse.
Click +Add Spouse
Enter Hayden's details to find his record OR if you know his ID click on By ID Number and add Hayden's ID which is KWX9-6GZ
Then you can add your children.
This will make you and your children linked to Hayden's chart.
To change the death date:-
Go to the Person page for Hayden
If you are in Tree view click on Hayden's name. In the pop up box choose Person.
When you have Hayden's page up click on the Edit next to Death
Click in the Place of Death and add Thousand Oaks, Ventura, California, United States.
Click the option which comes up in the box below.
Click Save.
To add an occupation:
Go to the Person page for Hayden
Scroll down to the Other Information heading
Click + Add Information
Click + Occupation
I hope this helps.
I would recommend that you call into Support. They can make sure your record is correctly linked to Hayden's record, give you a quick tour and then things will be much easier.
Also ask them to show you how to make you the preferred wife.
These articles may help
best wishes
how do i use this site. It is difficult to follow. I am trying to change and add to my husband's chart
Hayden Hilton Hamilton
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It absolutely DID NOT ANSWER MY QUESTIONS. SEEMS YOU ARE NOT MUCH HELP. I am tired of writing my questions. I am unable to send what I wrote so what is the use of the site?