I am looking for information on Belle Rose Hughes from Oconee County, SC. Her birth date is 1830. Her death is unknown but must be around 1905 give or take a few years. She is last seen on a 1900 Census staying with her son, James William Hughes, born in 1860 and died in 1921--all of this in Oconee County, SC. I have hit a dead end in trying to find her. There is no death certificate, grave or record of a husband. Any help is appreciated. Wanda Knight, direct descendent of Belle.
Best Answers
A good place to start would be the FamilySearch Research Wiki. Under Oconee County there were no birth records or death records before 1915. So census records would be the best resource. At least look at the Wiki for further directions on where to search.
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Here are two links that will provide help. The first link lists several options on how to find your ancestors. The second link provides a way to search for your ancestor using the "place research tool". Hope you quickly find what you need.