Birth Records, twins
Virginia 1858 birth records:
one case lists both children on the same line "J.w. & M. R. Surname: and then marks the white, and male boxes. Listed by mother it says 2 babies born. So I assumed they were both boys. In the box for "circumstances of interest" I put that there were 2 babies born.
Second case no names, marked as slaves ,one male and one female. After mother/s name lists as 2 babies born. Since this is listed by lines, and there is both a male and female on that line, what do I do? It wont allow both genders listed, and I can't add a line. Thank you Bev
Best Answer
You would create an entry for each of the twins. So there should be 4 entries - one for J W, one for M R, one with blank given and surnames and Female, one with blank given and surnames and Male with all the other pertinent information duplicated (mother's names, dates of birth, birthplace, etc.)
You can add the lines by going to the entry before where the addition needs to be made. Click on the + Icon (7th from the left) and add 1after the current entry. When you click next image, you will have a blank entry to enter the information.
If the words that two babies were born is not written by the original scribe in the column "Circumstances of interest", you mark the field blank.