How do I search for another family member who is on here so we can see one another's trees etc.?
Best Answer
Living individuals are protected on the FamilySearch platform. You cannot view another living individual on FamilySearch unless you created them yourself.
There are a couple things you can do:
--Create a new person that is the relative you want to be connected to. Once he/she is created, add living ancestors above him/her until you reach a deceased individual. At that point, your trees will connect and you will be viewing the same ancestors.
--Depending on how close you are to that family member, you may want to give each other access to your accounts. I do not say this lightly, mind you. I have only done this twice: with my aunt who I worked with side by side for years and years with genealogy, and my daughter-in-law who wanted an easy way to view the family information for her own records (my printer was broken at the time, haha! So I couldn't print the family group records). I also had a cousin share her account information with me so I could compare documents and sources to know what she and and I didn't, and vice versa.
--If it is possible, get together and sit side-by-side with each other's accounts open and see what the other person has. It's really easy to duplicate the information that way, and you get to spend time together!
I'm sorry there are no ways to connect existing living person accounts, but it is wonderful that FamilySearch goes to great lengths to protect the privacy of living individuals.
Thank you for the information but we now live in different states so I will add them to the tree. Thank you.